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May 13, 1998
Press Contact: Guy Lamolinara (202) 707-9217

Kresh Named Director for Public Service Collections

Associate Librarian for Library Services Winston Tabb has announced the appointment of Diane Kresh as Director of Public Service Collections. Ms Kresh has served as acting director since August 1996.

"Diane Kresh is well known to Library of Congress staff through her exceptional service as acting director for the past one and a half years and also through her service in many parts of the Library since she joined the staff in 1974," said Mr. Tabb. "As Director for Public Service Collections, she will be responsible for one of the Library's largest organizational entities, including more than 700 staff who provide service in 15 of the Library's reading rooms, provide custody and security for the Library's 113 million-plus general and special collections, and process and catalog most special-format materials."

Ms. Kresh has had an unusually varied and diverse career at the Library that uniquely qualifies her for this position. She began her career at the Library of Congress as a GS-2 reading room messenger in the Main Reading Room in 1974, while still a student at Catholic University of America. She was soon promoted to a deck attendant position, later working as a library technician in the Cataloging in Publication Division and then as a shelflister in Processing Services. After completing her undergraduate degree at Catholic University, Ms. Kresh became a copyright examiner and then a reference librarian in the General Reading Rooms Division (now the Humanities and Social Sciences Division). She was a member of the Library's 1981-82 Intern Class.

Ms. Kresh has had extensive management experience at the Library, moving successfully through a series of progressively responsible positions since becoming Head of the Collections Improvement Section of the Collections Management Division in 1984. She served as Assistant Chief and acting chief of the division from 1989 to 1992, then moved to the Preservation Directorate, where she became Preservation Resources Officer in 1993 and Director for Preservation in 1994. She also serves as Adjunct Professor at Catholic University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science, from which she received her master's degree in library science in 1980.


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PR 98-076
ISSN 0731-3527

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