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April 6, 1994
Contact: Guy Lamolinara (202) 707-9217

Rubens Medina Named New Chief of Law Library

Rubens Medina, chief of the Hispanic Law Division at the Library of Congress since 1971, has been named Law Librarian.

"Dr. Medina brings to this position not only broad skills and experience as a legal scholar and researcher, but also a proven record as an able manager," said Librarian of Congress James H. Billington, who made the appointment. "He has taken a pioneering role in realizing the potential that new digital technologies are bringing to the legal information community and in applying those technologies to innovative new endeavors for the Law Library."

Dr. Medina began his legal studies in Paraguay, his native country, where he became a lawyer and taught at the National University of Paraguay. He then came to the United States in 1964 to pursue advanced legal research and study under fellowships from the University of Wisconsin's Land Tenure Center and from the Organization of American States.

In 1966 Dr. Medina received a master of science degree in legal institutions from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a Ph.D. in law and sociology from the same institution in 1970.

Dr. Medina has held teaching positions at the Universidad Nacional de Asuncion and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion in Paraguay. He has also taught at the Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile, the University of Wisconsin Law School and at New York University Law School.

"I have every confidence that Dr. Medina will provide the Law Library with the leadership it needs to meet the dual challenges of providing more within the diminished resources of our austere budgetary climate and of making the collections and research of the Law Library more broadly available through electronic dissemination," Dr. Billington added.

Dr. Medina will be a member of the Library Management Team, which advises Dr. Billington on operations of the Library.

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PR 94-068
ISSN 0731-3527

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