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January 31, 1994
Press Contact: Helen Dalrymple (202) 707-1940
Concert Line: (202) 707-5502

Library of Congress and National Academy of Sciences Continue Collaboration with 1994 Spring Concert Series

The Library of Congress continues its collaboration with the National Academy of Sciences on its 1993-94 concert series at the National Academy of Sciences auditorium, 2100 C Street N.W. beginning in February.

The spring season of concerts combines the traditional with the unexpected, and features the unfailing excellence of the Library's resident ensembles, the Beaux Arts Trio and the Juilliard String Quartet. New to the Library of Congress concert series are the acclaimed Quintette Pro Arte de Monte Carlo, harpsichordist Davitt Moroney, and the world famous Netherlands Wind Ensemble.

All Library of Congress concerts are free and open to the public, and all begin at 8 p.m. No tickets are required and non-reserved seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. The Academy's auditorium seats 670 people and is barrier-free. The doors to the Academy building open at 7:00 p.m. The doors to the auditorium will open at 7:30 p.m.

The spring series begins on Thursday and Friday evenings, February 10 and 11, with the Beaux Arts Trio (pianist Menahem Pressler, violinist Ida Kavafian, and cellist Peter Wiley). The group will play the Trio in G major, Op. 65 by Hummel, Brahms's Trio in C major, Op. 87, and Tchaikovsky's Trio in A minor, Op. 50.

The Juilliard String Quartet (violinists Robert Mann and Joel Smirnoff, violist Samuel Rhodes, and cellist Joel Krosnick) return to the Library of Congress concert series on Thursday and Friday evenings, February 24 and 25. The quartet will perform Haydn's Quartet in F major, Op. 50, No. 5. Mr. Mann and guest artist, pianist Ursula Oppens, will give the first performance of Dancer on a Tightrope by Soviet composer Sofia Gubaildulina. This work is a commission from the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation in the Library of Congress. Ms. Oppens, Mr. Smirnoff, Mr. Rhodes, and Mr. Krosnick will close the concert with Fauré's Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 45.

Soprano Benita Valente will perform with the Juilliard String Quartet on Thursday and Friday evenings, March 3 and 4, in the Quartet No. 5 for Soprano and String Quartet by Ginastera. The quartet will also play Hindemith's Quartet No. 4 and Schubert's Quartet in D minor, D. 810, "Death and the Maiden."

On Friday evening, March 18, the New York Chamber Soloists come to the Academy of Sciences with Handel's Concerto in D minor for flute, oboe, cello, and continuo, Eight Miniatures for Baroque Ensemble by Mel Powell and Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5. The group will also premiere a new work for chamber ensemble by Jon Deak, commissioned by the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation in the Library of Congress.

The Quintette Pro Arte de Monte Carlo will perform on Friday evening, May 13. The ensemble will play the Quintet in C minor by Borodin, Granados's Quintet in G minor, and Shostakovich's Piano Quintet, Op. 57.

World-renowned harpsichordist Davitt Moroney makes his Library of Congress debut on Friday evening, May 27, in a program to be announced.

The Library's spring concert season will conclude on Friday evening, June 3, with the acclaimed Netherlands Wind Ensemble and guest artist, cellist Pieter Wispelwey. The wind ensemble will perform Snapdragon, by Eleanor Hovda, and the Serenade in D minor, Op. 44, by Dvorak. Mr. Wispelwey will play the Cello Sonata No. 3 by Martinu and will join the ensemble for the Concerto for Cello and Wind Ensemble by Ibert.

The National Academy of Sciences continues its own 14th season of free concerts this year. The Academy's concert series is produced by Arts in the Academy and features performances by its resident ensemble, National Musical Arts.


February 10-11Beaux Arts Trio
February 24-25Juilliard String Quartet with Ursula Oppens, pianist
March 3-4Juilliard String Quartet with Benita Valente, soprano
March 18New York Chamber Soloists
May 13Quintette Pro Arte de Monte Carlo
May 27Davitt Moroney, harpsichordist
June 3Netherlands Wind Ensemble with Pieter Wispelwey, cellist

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PR 94-010
ISSN 0731-3527

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