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Re: more on install problem

Message from the ncbrowse mail list.

The JViewHTMLDialog is in the pmel_noaa.jar file.  This should be in your 
ncBrowse installation directory.  The url reference for news and help is 
hard-coded into ncBrowse, but if it is unavailable a URL not found error is 
generated in the window, not a Class Not Found.

A couple of questions...

What version of ncBrowse are you using?
What version of java?

Are you using the installation executable or trying to directly run 
ncBrowse from its jar file?



At 10:59 AM 4/9/2001 +1000, you wrote:

>I have the same problem.  The actual error message is:
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>Looks to me like there is a specific local reference hard-coded into
>Andrew B-T

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