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Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience - Publications

  • Hilario, M., Clouse, E., Yin, H.H., Costa, R.M. (2007) Endocannabinoid signaling is critical for habit formation, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 1:6, doi: 10.3389/neuro.07/006.

  • Wickens, J.R., Horvitz, J.C., Costa, R.M., Killcross, S (2007) Dopaminergic mechanisms in actions and habits, Journal of Neuroscience 27, 8181-3.

  • Costa, R.M. (2007) Plastic corticostriatal circuits for action learning: What�s dopamine got to do with it?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1104, 172-91.

  • Dzirasa, K., Ribeiro. S., Costa, R.M., Santos, L.M., Lin, S.C., Grosmark, A., Sotnikova, T.D., Gainetdinov, R.R., Caron, M.G., Nicolelis M.A.L. (2006) Dopaminergic Control of Sleep-Wake States, journal of Neuroscience.

  • Costa, R.M., Lin, S.C., Sotnikova, T.D., Cyr, M., Gainetdinov, R.R., Caron, M.G., Nicolelis M.A.L. (2006) Rapid alterations in corticostriatal ensemble coordination during acute dopamine-dependent motor dysfunction., Neuron 52(2), 359-69.

  • Costa, R.M., Gutierrez, R., Kloth, A., Coelho, M.R.P., de Araujo, I.E., Gainetdinov, R.R., Caron, M.G., Nicolelis M.A.L., Simon, S.A. (2006) Dopamine levels modulate the updating of tastant values., Genes, Brain and Behavior.

  • Nagy, V., Bozdagi, O., Matynia, A., Balcerzyk, M., Okulski, P., Dzwonek, J., Costa, R.M., Silva, A. J., Kaczmarek, L., and Huntley G. W. (2006) Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 is required for hippocampal late-phase LTP and memory. , Journal of Neuroscience 26, 1923-1934.

  • Costa, R.M., Liu, L., Nicolelis, M.A.L., Simon, S.A. (2005) Gustatory Effects of Capsaicin that are Independent of TRPV1 Receptors. Proc. ISOT XIV,, Chemical Senses 30 S1, i198-i200.

  • Costa, R.M., Drew, C. and Silva, A.J. (2005) To Remember or Notch to Remember., Trends in Neurosciences, 28, 429-35.

  • Costa, R.M,. and Silva, A.J. (2004) Learning Deficits associated with NF1: from models to therapies. in Neurofibromatose: Cl�nica, Gen�tica e Terap�utica , Ed. Mauro Geller, Editora Guanabara Koogan SA, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Portuguese)..

  • Costa, R.M., Cohen, D., Nicolelis M.A.L. (2004) Differential corticostriatal plasticity during fast and slow motor skill learning in mice., Current Biology 14(13), 1124-34.

  • Israely, I., Costa, R.M., Silva, A.J., Kosik, K., Liu, X. (2004) Deletion of the neural specific protein Delta-Catenin leads to severe cognitive and synaptic dysfunction., Current Biology 14(18), 1657-63.

  • Ajay A., Costa R.M., Irvin D., Patel A., Hu H., Kornblum H., Silva A.J., O�Dell T., and Colicelli J. (2003) The RAS Effector RIN1 Modulates the Formation of Aversive Memories., Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (3), 748-757.

  • Frankland, P.W., Ohno M., Takahashi, E., Chen, A.P., Costa R.M., Kushner, S.A. and Silva, A.J. (2003) Synomics: Pharmacologically Regulated Induction of Silent Mutations (PRISM): Combined pharmacological and genetic approaches for learning and memory. , The Neuroscientist, 9, 104-9.

  • Costa R.M., Honjo T., and Silva A.J. (2003) Learning and memory deficits in Notch mutant mice. , Current Biology 13 (15), 1348-54.

  • Costa, R.M. and Silva, A.J. (2003) Mouse models of Neurofibromatosis type I: Bridging the GAP. , Trends in Molecular Medicine, 9, 19-23.

  • Costa, R.M., Elgersma, Y. and Silva, A.J. (2003) Modeling cognitive disorders: from genes to therapies. in Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders,, Ed. Gene Fisch, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA.

  • Costa, R.M., Federov, N.B., Kogan, J.H., Murphy, G.G., Stern, J., Ohno, M., Kucherlapati, R., Jacks, T. and Silva, A.J. (2002) Mechanism for the learning deficits in a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1, Nature, 415 (6871) 415 (6871), 526-30.

  • Costa, R.M. (2002) Molecular and cellular mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction in Neurofibromatosis type I., Thesis. Abel Salazar Biomedical Institute, University of Porto, Portugal..

  • Costa, R.M. and Silva, A.J. (2002) Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the cognitive deficits associated with Neurofibromatosis type I, Journal of Child Neurology, 17, 622-626.

  • Givogri M.I., Costa R.M., Schonmann V., Howard S., Silva A.J., Campagnoni A.T., Bongarzone E.R. (2002) The Jagged/Notch pathway is critical for oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination in vivo., Journal of Neuroscience Research, 67 (3), 309-20.

  • Costa, R.M., Yang, T., Huynh, D.P., Pulst S.M., Viskochil, D.H., Silva, A.J. and Brannan, C.I. (2001) Learning deficits, but normal development and tumor predisposition, in mice lacking exon 23a of the Neurofibromatosis type I gene., Nature Genetics, 27, 399-405.

  • Silva, A.J., Elgersma, Y. and Costa, R.M. (2001) From genes to therapies: the role of animal models. , Clinical Neuroscience Research, 1, 187-193.

  • Ohno, M., Frankland, P.W., Chen, P.A., Costa R.M. and Silva A.J. (2001) Inducible pharmacogenetic approaches to the study of learning and memory., Nature Neuroscience, 4, 1238-1243.

  • Silva, A.J., Elgersma, Y. and Costa, R.M. (2000) Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Cognitive Function: Implications for Psychiatric Disorders., Biological Psychiatry, 47, 200-210.

  • Mayntz, M. and Costa, R. (1998) Effect of pharmacologically induced changes of ejection on suckling in Bos taurus. , Physiology and Behavior 65 (1), 151-156.

  • Costa, R., Mayntz, M. and Sender, G. (1998) Changes of milk compounds and fatty acid composition during suckling meals and the effect of after-stimulation on fatty acid composition in cows' milk. , A pre-study. Milchwissenchaft, 53 (8), 430-434..


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