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image of WisconsinWisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence

State Coordinator
Susan Ramspacher
307 S Paterson Street, Suite 1
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 255-0539
Fax: (608) 255-3560

Overview of State Program

The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WCADV) was founded in 1978. It is a statewide membership organization of battered woman, domestic violence programs, and individuals committed to ending intimate partner violence. WCADV's activities include:

  • Networking and support for victims, their families, and professionals working with victims, batterers, and their children;
  • Technical assistance and quality improvement;
  • Policy development; and
  • Education and training.

Since 1997, WCADV has assisted with the development, enrichment, and evaluation of more than 70 local Coordinated Community Response (CCR) teams in 64 counties and 9 American Indian tribes throughout Wisconsin.

With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), WCADV initially funded 8 local Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership through Alliance (DELTA) projects in county and tribal CCRs. During the 2007-2008 funding cycle, WCADV continued funding 3 of the county and one of the tribal CCRs. WCADV's DELTA project has focused on conducting trainings, providing technical assistance, and encouraging funded and non-funded programs and their communities to change the social norms that condone and promote intimate partner violence.

2006 Accomplishments:

  • The DELTA initiated Prevention Committee of the Wisconsin Governor's Council on Domestic Abuse worked on a statewide primary prevention plan (committee includes 20 community stakeholders);
  • Worked with our empowerment evaluator to help engage local DELTA CCRs and develop their capacity for planning, implementation, and evaluation;
  • Conducted training on primary prevention and community organizing in local communities and at statewide venues (participants included prevention educators, teachers, CCR members, and DELTA coordinators); and
  • Collaborated with the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault to host our annual Prevention Education Conference.

State Future Directions

In the coming years, WCADV's DELTA program will focus on:

Local Projects

1. CCR:
Chippewa County CCR to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault
  Fiscal Agent: Family Support Services
  Priority Population: Youth
2. CCR:
Dane County Commission on Sensitive Crimes-Domestic Violence Task Force and Sexual Assault
  Fiscal Agent: Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
  Priority Population: Male youth
3. CCR:
Oneida Tribal CCR, Outagamie County Domestic Violence Intervention Team and Brown County
  Fiscal Agent: Golden House, aka Family Violence Center, Inc.
  Priority Population: American Indian youth
4. CCR: Milwaukee Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
  Fiscal Agent: Hmong American Friendship Association
  Priority Population: Hmong men

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Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention
Page last modified: May 06, 2008