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image of AlaskaAlaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

State Coordinator
Lori Grassgreen
130 Seward Street, Suite 214
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 586-3650 ext. 27
Fax: (907) 463-4493

Overview of State Program

The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA), established in 1977, is a nonprofit organization composed of 21 programs statewide that provide services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims and offenders. The goals of ANDVSA are to promote collaboration and communication among the programs; to facilitate information sharing; to secure funding in a cooperative and non-competitive manner; and to expose the roots of violence against women and children in the United States.

The Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Program is coordinated by ANDVSA in four Alaskan communities: Dillingham, Sitka, Valdez, and Juneau. The organization provides these local sites with training and technical assistance. ANDVSA has been working with the four communities to develop strategic plans for preventing intimate partner violence (IPV).

ANDVSA works with the DELTA Statewide Steering Committee, a diverse group of Alaskans committed to developing strategies to promote healthy relationships and prevent IPV. The Statewide Steering Committee and local DELTA sites share information and promote the primary prevention of IPV throughout Alaska.

State Future Directions

As the organization looks toward the future, ANDVSA will continue to provide training on primary prevention and related topics as it transitions from supporting participating sites in planning Coordinated Community Response efforts to assisting in implementing program plans. As much as possible, the organization will build upon existing activities. ANDVSA will also begin emphasizing cross-site collaboration with other prevention oriented programs throughout the state to diversify funding strategies and further enlist local governments in primary prevention efforts. The Alaska DELTA program hopes to continue working with the U.S. Air Force and expand prevention efforts to include the other branches of the military, including the Army, National Guard, and Coast Guard.

Local Projects

1. CCR: Juneau's Domestic Violence Task Force
  Fiscal Agent: Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies, Inc.
  Priority Population: Youth
2. CCR: Sitka Men for Safe Homes
  Fiscal Agent: Sitkans Against Family Violence
  Priority Population: Youth
3. CCR: Rural Alliance for Teens
  Fiscal Agent: Safe and Fear-Free Environment, Inc.
  Priority Population: Youth Alaskan Natives, rural communities
4. CCR: Family Violence Intervention Team
  Fiscal Agent: Advocates for Victims of Violence
  Priority Population: Youth

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Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention
Page last modified: August 05, 2008