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Chapter 23 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 23.

Jurisprudence. Foreign Law.

43. Justinian's Institutes, Lat. Eng. by Harris, 4º. 14. Justinian's Institutes, Lat. Eng. with notes, by Cooper, 8º. 44. Justiniani Institutiones, Vinnii 4º. 45. Theophili Antecessoris Institutiones, Gr. Lat. Fabroti. 4º. Paris, 1638. 15. Codex Justinianus, p 4º. Paris, Regnault. 1532. 58. Corpus Juris Civilis Gothofredi, Antwerp, 2 v fol. 16. " " " " , Lmarius, 2 v 8º. 1598. 59. Jus Greco-Romanum Leunelavii fol. Francofurti, 1596. 46. Ulpiani Fragmenta, Notis Cannegeiter, Lug. Bat. 1774, 4º. 17. Fones quatuor juris Civilis Gothofredi, Genevae, 1653, 4º p. 18. Vinnii Partitiones Juris Civilis, 4º p. 47. Gravinoe origins Juris Civilis, Neapoli 1722. 4º. 1. Gravina, Espirit des Loix Romaines, traduit par Requirer, 3 v 12º. 19. Schomberg's History of the Roman Law, 8º. 2. Les Loix des Grecs et Romains, Paris 1765, 12º. 48. Taylor's Elements of Civil Law, 4º. 3. Zouchaei Questiones Juris Civilis, 16. 4. Zouchaei Elementa Juris prudentiae, 16. 20. Bynkershock opera, Lug. Bat. 1752. p 4o. 6 v. 60. Gerardi Noodt opera omnia, Lug. Bat. 1767 fol 5. Brissonius et Hotmannus de viteri ritu Nuptiarum, ap. Hackium, 16. 61. Calvini Lexicon Juridicum fol. 62. Domat's Civil Law, by Strahan, 2 v fol. 6. Institution du Droit Francois, par Argou, 2 v 12º. 7. Project de Code Civil par Portalis &c. 12º. 8. Code Civil des Francois, 1804. 12º. 21. Code Penal, et d'instruction Criminelle, 1810, 8º. 22. Code de Commerce, 8º. 1807. 9. Code Napoleon Civil, Procedure Civile, Criminelle, Commerce, 4 v. 16. Stereotype 23. Les ordonnances Concernant La Marine, 1786, 8º. 10. Nouveau Commentaire Sur l'ordonnance de la Marine de 1681, 2 v 12º. 11. Camus Sur la profession d'avocat, 12º 49. Arrets de 1784-1788, 4º. 24. Tracts in Foreign Law-to wit, Contrainte par Corps, atterissemens de Gironde, Rohan, La Motte. 8º. 50. Memoires du Card. de Rohan, la Motte, Cagliostro, &c. 12º. 12. Tracts in Foreign Law, viz. Rohan, La Motte, Cagliostro, &'. 12º. 51. " " " " " Memoires in Cases of Kornmann &c 4º 52. " " " " " Des Trois Roues, 4º. 53. " " " " " Cases of Leris &c, 4º. 54. Memoire de Ducrest contre le D. D'orleans, 4º. 55. " " Reveillon, 4º. 63. Le Constituzioni Sardesche, 0 Carta de Logu, Sarda ed Ital. dal Mannelli, fol. 25. The Frederican Code, 2 v 8º. 64. Spotiswood's Practicks of the Laws of Scotland, fol. 26. Scotch Acts, 8º. 65. " " From Jac. 1 of Scotland to Charles 2. fol 66. Forbes' Journal of the Sessions, fol. 67. Kaim's Dictionary of decisions, 2 v fol. 27. Judgment of the Lords of Sessions in the Case of Hamilton and Douglass, 8º. 68. Statutes of Ireland in force in 1678. fol. 28. Laws of Jamaica, 8º. 29. Abridgment of the Laws of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New- England, New-York and Carolina, 8º. 69. Laws of Barbadoes, New-York, Bermuda, fol. 13. Recueil des Reglemens des Colonies Francaises de l'Amerique, 12º. 70. Laws of Massachusetts, 4, W.M-6 G.2 fol. 71. " " " , 4 W.M-13 W.3. fol. 30. " " " , 1780-1807 3 v 8º. 31. Sullivan's History of Land titles in Massachusetts, 8º. 32. Story's Selection of Pleadings 8º. 72. Laws of Rhode Island, 1663-1718. fol. 73. " " Connecticut, 14, Car. 2-5 G.2. fol. 33. " " New-York, 2 v 8º 74. " " Pennsylvania. 12, W3-16 G.2. fol. 75. " " " , 1769, fol. 34. Cases of the Bank and Shoemakers, 2 v 8º. 56. " " Maryland, by Kilty, 3 v 4º. 35. Kilty's Maryland Landholders assistant, 8º. 76. Laws of North-Carolina, by Iredell, 1790. fol 57. Martin's revisal of Iredell's Laws of North Carolina, 4º. 36. The case of Hamilton and Eaton in North Carolina, 8º. 37. The Criminal Law of Kentucky by Toulmin and Blair. 38. The Laws of Michigan, and Tracts by Woodward, 8º. 39. Acts of the Legislature of Orleans, of 1806, 2 v 8º 40. Kerr's exposition of the'Criminal Law of Orleans, 8º Fr. Eng. 41. Orleans Term reports of 1809-10, by Martin, pamphlet, 8º. 42. Laws of Mississippi Territory by Toulmin, 8º.

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Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

Table of Contents | Sources cited   |   Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

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