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Chapter 36 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 36.


45. Horace, Foulis, p 4º. 46. Horace Delphini, 8º. 1. Horace, Notis Bond, 12º. 2. Horace de Dacier, Lat. Fr. 10 v 12º. 3. Horace, English by Francis, 4 v 12º. 4. Horace, Eng. by the most eminent hands, 12º. 5. Hurd's Horace, 2 v 12º. 47. Juvenal et Persius, Delphini, 8º. 48. Juvenal et Persius, notis variorum, 8º. 6. Juvenal et Persius, Foul. 12º. 7. Juvenal et Persius, Stephani, 12º. 8. Juvenal Farnabii, 16s. 9. Juvenal, Eng. by Dryden, 12º. 10. Juvenal, Persius et Sulpicia, Lat. Fr de Marolles, 12º. 11. Persius, cum notis Bond, 12º. 12. Petronii Arbitri Satyricon, p 8º. 49. Petronius, Notis Variorum, 8º. 13. Boileau, 2 v 12º. 14. Eloge de la Folie d'Erasme, par Gueudeville, 12º. 15. Cutt's poetical exercises, 12º. 16. New Bath Guide, 12º. 17. Intercepted Letters, 12º. 50. The pursuits of Literature, 8º. 18. Cotton's Virgil Travestie, 12º. 19. Cotton's Poetical Works, 12º. 20. Hudibras, 16s. 21. Trumbul's Mc. Fingal, 12º. 22. Jonathan Pindar's probationary odes. 12º. 51. Martial Delphini, 8º. 23. Martialis Farnabii, 12º. 24. Graecorum Epigrammatum Delectus, Johnsoni, 12º. 25. Graecorum Epigrammatum Florilegium Novum, 12º. 26. Epigrammatum delectus, et Elegantes Sententiae Etonenses, 12º. 52. Anthologia Westmonasteriensis, 8º. 53. Hesiodus, Orpheus, Proclus, Gr. Lat. Ital. Salvini, 8º. 27. Virgilii Bucolica, Rami, 12º. 54. Virgilii Bucolica, Lat. Fr. par Didot, 8º. 28. Predium Rusticum, 12º. 29. Philips's Poems, 12º. Darwin's Botanic Garden, 2 v 8º. (ch. 13. Nº 13) 55. Darwin's Temple of Naiure, 8º. 63. Lucretius, Delphini, 4º. 64. Lucretius, Tonson, Lond. 4º. 56. Lucretius, Foul. p 4º. 30. Lucretius, Baskerville, 12º. 31. Lucretius Tanaquil Fabri, 12º. 32. II Lucrezio del Caro, 12º. 33. Lucretius, Lat. Fr. par La Grange, 2 v 8º. 57. Creech's Lucretius, 2 v 8º. 65. Drayton's Poly-olbion, p fol. 58. Manilii Astronomicon, Scaligeri, p 4º. 59. L'Astronomie, poeme par Gudin, 8º. 34. Garth's Dispensatory, 12º. 35. Armstrong's Health, 12º. 60. Armstrong's (Economy of Love, 8º. 36. Gnomici Poetae Graci, 12º. a Brunck. Gr. Lat. Sc. Callimachus, Callenius, Cleanthes, Eratosthenes, Evenus, Hesiod, Linus, Menecrates, Metrodorus, Mimnermus, Naumachus, Panyacides, Phocylides, Pseudo-Phocylides, Posidippus, Pythagoras, Rhianus, Simonides, Solon, Theognis, Tyrtoeus. Comicorum Sententia-Sc. Alexis, Amphis, Anaxandrides, Antiphanes, Apollodorus, Clearchus, Cratetes, Diodorus, Diphilus, Eriphus, Eubulus, Hipparchus, Menander, Nicostratus, Pherecrates, Philemon, Philippides, Philippus, Posidippus, Sotades, Timocles, et Monostichi ex diversis Poetis. Catonis Disticha, by Sterling, 12º. (ch. 16 S1. No 9. 37. Carmina Quadragesimalia, 12º. 61. Pope's Works by Warburton, 9 v 12º. 38. Swift's works, 12 v 12º. 39. The World, 4 v 12º. 40. Linn's Powers of Genius, 12º. 41. Avenia by Thomas Branagan, 12º. Heston's Moral and Political Truth, 12º (ch. 24 N0 14). 42. Branagan's Penitentiary Tyrant, 12º. 66. The Press, by Mc Creery, 4º. 43. Virgilius Evangelisans, Rossei, 12º. 44. Pia Hilaria Angelini Gazaei, 12º Lond. 1657. 62. Pierce Plowman's Visions. 8º.

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Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

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