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Storm surge on a Louisiana highway

How Sea Level Changes Affect Coastal Planning

Rising global sea level is one of the most commonly cited consequences of climate change, but it is often unclear how it might affect people living on the coasts. From the federal government down to the local coastal homeowner, people are asking, “Where is sea level going to be in relation to my beach, my house, or my street?” More...

Bleached brain coral.

NOAA Satellites Pinpoint Coral Bleaching Before It Happens

People know NOAA satellites as tools for weather forecasting and monitoring the Earth’s environment.  But did you know that these same satellites enable NOAA to be a global leader in assessing coral bleaching around the world?  More...

Fish under a coral reef

Coral Reef Conservation: Every Act Counts

To celebrate the International Year of the Reef 2008 (IYOR 2008), NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation led the development of a U.S. messaging campaign. The theme is “Coral reefs for health, for wealth, for life,” which recognizes the value of coral reef ecosystems. More...
