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Promoting Economic Vitality

Map of Gulfport PORTS' environmental sensors

PORTS Expansion in the Gulf of Mexico

To keep ship traffic flowing smoothly, NOAA developed the Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS®) — near-shore ocean observing systems that provide accurate water and air data to mariners to reduce the chance of a groundings and increase the amount of cargo moving safely through port. Currently, there are 16 complete PORTS® located nationwide with the two most recent installed in Mississippi. More...

Commercial mariners navigate the U.S. Marine Transportation System

From Ships to Your Shelves

Did you know that nearly all of the products that Americans expect to find on store shelves come to us by way of the U.S. marine transportation system? This intricate system of ocean shipping lanes, rivers, canals, and dams is traversed daily by container ships and barges that deliver cargo to U.S. ports. More...

Scientists install water current meters on a buoy

Improving Port Productivity

Maritime transportation provides the majority of our exports and imports and supports America’s vibrant domestic commerce. Two-thirds of all the goods purchased in the United States are transported by ship. More...

A coral reef

Coral Reefs - An Important Part of Our Future

If you have ever visited a coral reef, you probably were struck by its beauty, diversity, and many colorful inhabitants. Even though coral reefs cover less than one percent of the ocean floor, they support an estimated 25 percent of all marine life, with more than 4,000 species of fish alone. More...
