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Describe las tareas de los trabajos forzados en Westerbork
Describe las tareas de los trabajos forzados en Westerbork
Ruth Moser Borsos
Describe las tareas de los trabajos forzados en Westerbork [1990 entrevista]

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La transcripción completa:
In the camp we were put to work, real silly work. We had to carry
sand from one place to the other. It didn't make sense, but we had
to do it, and as time went by they organized us into a variety of
tasks, what we had to do. Well, I was really delegated to a place
where we were sewing clothing, again sewing clothing, for...I'm not
quite sure for whom it was. That was the whole day. Sometimes we
would...I worked at a Dutch, but this was a Nazi, a Dutch Nazi
farmer's farm. He had us clean out the pig sties. He had us work
around his farm, clean up certain things. He had us work in the
potato fields, or whatever so that he didn't have so much...we were
slaves to him. He profited from from the camp being so nearby and
from being a Nazi and collaborating with the Germans. And as a
reward he would sit us with the chickens in the yard and give us a
watery soup. That was the meal for the day.
Nació en Frankfurt, Alemania

Ruth se mudó a Holanda después de Kristallnacht (la "Noche de los cristales rotos") en 1938. Ella y su padre tenían permisos para cruzar en barco a los Estados Unidos, pero Alemania invadió Holanda en mayo de 1940 y no pudieron irse. Ruth fue deportada al campo de Westerbork en 1943 y al campo de Bergen-Belsen en Alemania en 1944. Después que un arreglo de cambio con los Aliados fracasó, Ruth fue internada cerca de la frontera suiza hasta su liberación por las fuerzas francesas en 1945.
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