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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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August 29, 1997


The Navy will christen its newest nuclear-powered submarine Connecticut (SSN 22), during an 11:30 a.m. ceremony Monday, September 1, at Electric Boat in Groton, Conn.

Connecticut is the second ship of the Seawolf class, the most capable attack submarine ever built. With mission and growth capability far beyond previous submarines, the robust design uniquely supports missions such as surveillance, intelligence collection, special warfare, covert cruise missile strike, mine warfare, anti-submarine and anti-surface ship warfare. In addition to its formidable open ocean presence, the Seawolf class is also a highly capable shallow water warfare platform, setting the standard for submarine technology into the next century. Its inherent stealth, coupled with state-of-the-art sensors and advanced combat systems, make it one of the world's most advanced weapons systems and the benchmark for underwater excellence. Connecticut's flexibility and impressive capabilities provide the Navy with an undersea weapons platform to operate in any scenario against any threat ---from under Arctic ice to shallow water.

Armed with the battle-proven Tomahawk cruise missiles, Connecticut can safely conduct deep strike missions while submerged far off an enemy's coast. Connecticut also carries the Mark 48 advanced capability torpedo, the most reliable torpedo in the world for use against surface ships and submarines. With twice as many torpedo tubes and a 30 percent increase in weapons magazine size compared to the Los Angeles class submarines, Connecticut is eminently capable of establishing and maintaining battle space dominance.

  • This submarine is named for the 5th State of the Union. Four previous U.S. Navy ships have been named Connecticut. The first, a gunboat (1776), participated in the battle of Valcour Island; the second, a sloop-of-war (1799-1801), protected American shipping in the West Indies during the Quasi-War with France; the third, a steamer (1861-1865), contributed to the success
  • of the Union blockade of the Confederacy during the Civil War; the fourth, a battleship (BB 18), took part in the famous world cruise of the "Great White Fleet."

John G. Rowland, governor of Connecticut, is the principal speaker for the christening, and his wife, Patricia Rowland, will serve as the ship's sponsor. In a time-honored tradition, Mrs. Rowland will break a bottle of champagne across the bow and formally name Connecticut.

Capt. Larry Davis, U.S. Navy, a native of Jacksonville, Fla., is the prospective commanding officer of Connecticut which has a crew of 14 officers and 120 enlisted personnel. Connecticut is 353 feet long, has a beam of 40 feet, displaces approximately 9,138 tons submerged and 8,060 tons surfaced. It can operate at depths greater than 800 feet, and its nuclear reactor powers the submarine to speeds in excess of 25 knots when submerged.