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Anonymous, Walk-in Anxiety Screening for NIH Staff Offered, May 5

Everyone feels stressed and anxious now and then. But stress or major life changes in some people can lead to ongoing symptoms of anxiety disorders, including feelings of sudden panic, chronic worry, nightmares, emotional numbing, intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and/or phobias or irrational fears of objects, situations or activities, for example spiders, social interactions, public speaking, highway driving, leaving the house, etc.

People suffering from anxiety disorders may also experience symptoms of depression, including loss of interest or feelings of pleasure.

Employees interested in finding out if an anxiety or mood disorder could be underlying their symptoms may want to participate in the NIH-sponsored anonymous screening at any site below on May 5, National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day. They can view a short video about symptoms and effective treatments, complete a screening tool or questionnaire, meet confidentially and privately with a mental health professional for results or just gather information materials.

Bethesda (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Bldg. 31, Level B2, Rm. B57 (EAP Suite)
Bldg. 10, Occupational Medical Services, Rm. 6C401
Rockledge Two (6701 Rockledge Dr., 10th Fl., Rm. 10229)

Rockville (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.)

Neuroscience Center (6001 Executive Blvd.), Rm. 6213A

Frederick (10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
NCI-Frederick, Bldg. 426, Rm. 103

Screening participants who would prefer to communicate in Cantonese or Mandarin may want to meet with EAP consultant Eva Chen at the Bldg. 10 site after 1 p.m. To arrange for other language interpretation in Bldg. 10 (Arabic, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish, etc.), employees should call Andrea Rander of the Language Interpretation Program at least 48 hours in advance (301-496-1807).

Employees who would rather attend a privately sponsored site that day or whose family members would like to be screened may call 888-442-2022 to access a referral number sponsored by Freedom From Fear, which organizes the national screening day.

For reasonable accommodation or other information, contact Sophia Glezos Voit (, 301-443-4533). For more information about anxiety or mood disorders, visit the NIMH web site at

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