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Freed Is New NIEHS Associate Director

Rich Freed, who was NIAID's director of the Office of Management for New Initiatives, has been selected as the new associate director for management at NIEHS. He fills the position that has been open since late last year when Francine Little retired.

Freed, 36, was a 2000 senior executive fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. His wife is a teacher in Maryland. She and the two Freed children, ages 2 and 4, will move to North Carolina in late spring or early summer. Until then, Freed will split his time between Bethesda and Research Triangle Park.

Freed earned a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Maryland in 1990 and a master's in business administration from Johns Hopkins University in 1998. He was the principal intramural administrative officer at NIAID from September 1998 until January 2002.

Freed began his career at NIH in 1990 at NCI, where he served as administrative officer to several labs and branches. Enrolled in an administrative career development intern program from July 1993 until October 1995, he completed rotations in financial management, grants management and human resources. From 1995 until September 1998, he served as deputy Administrative Resource Center manager at NCI.

Johnson Named OLRS Deputy

Dr. Alfred Johnson has assumed the role of deputy director of the Office of Loan Repayment and Scholarship (OLRS), Office of Intramural Research, OD. He will develop and manage programs that offer educational loan repayment and scholarship to enhance the recruitment and retention of health professionals in biomedical and biobehavioral research careers. In addition to his responsibilities at OLRS, Johnson will continue to serve as a principal investigator in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NCI.

Since joining OLRS in 2000, Johnson has directed the NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP), which offers scholarships and research training at NIH to attract undergraduate students from disadvantaged backgrounds to biomedical research careers.

Johnson earned a bachelor's degree, summa cum laude, in chemistry from Albany State (Ga.) University and a doctorate in biomedical sciences from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. His professional memberships include the American Association for Cancer Research, where he chairs the science education committee. He is a two-time past president of the NIH Black Scientists Association and chair of the communications and membership committee.

He has been a researcher at NCI for more than 18 years and has received many awards for his science education activities, including three NIH Director's Awards (one for his mentoring activities) and the NIH Award of Merit.

Tandon Joins CSR

Dr. Pushpa Tandon is now the scientific review administrator for the small business biomedical sensing, measurement and instrumentation study section at the Center for Scientific Review. After receiving her Ph.D. in India, Tandon came to this country as a Fogarty International Center fellow to study neurotoxicant-induced alterations in G-protein linked second messengers in the hippocampus at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. She subsequently studied genetic and neurological aspects of epilepsy at Boston College, the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and Harvard Medical School. Before joining CSR, Tandon was involved in developing therapeutic interventions, including stem cell transplantation, for neurodegen-erative diseases at Wellstat Therapeutics Inc. in Gaithersburg.

Sipe Is CSR Review Policy Web Coordinator

Dr. Jean Sipe has been appointed review policy web coordinator at the Center for Scientific Review. She will serve as chair of the scientific review administrator handbook committee and be responsible for content and dissemination of the web-based publication. She will continue to serve as SRA of special study sections that review bioengineering and tissue engineering grant applications in the musculoskeletal, oral and skin sciences integrated review group. Prior to joining CSR, Sipe was professor of biochemistry at Boston University School of Medicine. She has had extensive editing and writing experience, including multiauthor volumes on reparative medicine and amyloidosis and chapters on amyloidosis in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and the Annual Review of Biochemistry.

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