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2002 Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Report: Section 2—ART Cycles Using Fresh, Nondonor Eggs or Embryos

Explanation of Figures, Section 2: ART Cycles Using Fresh, Nondonor Eggs or Embryos

This page contains figures 3–13 of Section 2A
Click on titles or images to go back to Section 2A

What are the steps for an ART procedure using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos?

Figure 3

Figure 3 text below

Figure 3 is a bar graph representing the outcome of ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, by stage, 2002.

  • 85,826 cycles started
  • 74,519 retrievals
  • 69,857 transfers
  • 29,423 pregnancies
  • 24,324 live-birth deliveries

Why are some ART cycles discontinued?

Figure 4

figure 4 text below

Figure 4 is a pie chart representing reasons ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos were discontinued in 2002.

  • No or inadequate egg production 84.6%
  • Patient withdrew for other reasons 10.2%
  • Too-high response to ovarian stimulation medication 4.3%
  • Concurrent illness 0.9%

How is the success of an ART procedure measured?

Figure 5

figure 5 text below

Figure 5 is a bar graph representing success rates for ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, by different measures, 2002.

  • Pregnancies per cycle 34.3%
  • Live births per cycle 28.3%
  • Live births per retrieval 32.6%
  • Live births per transfer 34.8%
  • Singleton live births per cycle 21.1%
  • Singleton live births per transfer 22.5%

What percentage of ART cycles results in a pregnancy?

Figure 6

Figure 6 text below

Figure 6 is a pie chart representing results of ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, 2002.

  • No pregnancy 65.0%
  • Ectopic pregnancy 0.7%
  • Clinical pregnancy 34.3%, which is subdivided as follows:
    • Single-fetus pregnancy 19.9%
    • Multiple-fetus pregnancy 12.4%
    • Not able to determine the number of fetuses because the pregnancy ended in an early miscarriage 2.0%

What percentage of pregnancies results in live births?

Figure 7

Figure 7 text below

Figure 7 is a pie chart representing outcomes of pregnancies resulting from ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, 2002.

  • 82.7% of pregnancies resulted in a live birth, subdivided as follows:
    • Singleton births 53.7%
    • Multiple-infant births 29.0%
  • 16.4% of pregnancies resulted in an adverse outcome, subdivided as follows:
    • Miscarriages 15.0%
    • Induced abortions 0.9%
    • Stillbirths 0.5%

The outcome was not reported for 0.8% of pregnancies.

Using ART, what is the risk of having a multiple-fetus pregnancy or multiple-infant birth?

Figure 8

Figure 8 text below

Figure 8 consists of two pie charts, A and B, representing the risk of having a multiple-fetus pregnancy and the risk of having a multiple-infant live birth from ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, 2002.

  • Pie chart A represents 29,423 pregnancies
    • Singletons 58.1%
    • Total multiple-fetus pregnancies 36.2%, which are subdivided as follows:
      • Twins 29.4%
      • Triplets or more 6.8%
    • Not able to determine the number of fetuses because the pregnancy ended in an early miscarriage 5.7%
  • Pie chart B represents 24,324 live births
    • Singletons 64.6%
    • Total multiple-infant live births 35.4%, which are subdivided as follows:
      • Twins 31.6%
      • Triplets or more 3.8%

What are the ages of women who have an ART procedure?

Figure 9

 Figure 9 text below

Figure 9 is a line graph representing the age distribution of women who had ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, 2002. Data points are as follows:

  • Age 22, 0.16%
  • Age 23, 0.29%
  • Age 24, 0.51%
  • Age 25, 0.82%
  • Age 26, 1.32%
  • Age 27, 1.87%
  • Age 28, 2.71%
  • Age 29, 3.68%
  • Age 30, 5.02%
  • Age 31, 6.23%
  • Age 32, 6.74%
  • Age 33, 7.24%
  • Age 34, 7.23%
  • Age 35, 7.72%
  • Age 36, 7.28%
  • Age 37, 7.34%
  • Age 38, 7.33%
  • Age 39, 7.11%
  • Age 40, 5.96%
  • Age 41, 5.07%
  • Age 42, 3.97%
  • Age 43, 2.44%
  • Age 44, 1.25%
  • Age 45, 0.52%
  • Age 46, 0.20%

Do ART success rates differ among women of different ages?

Figure 10

Figure 10 text below

Figure 10 is a line graph representing pregnancy rates, live birth rates, and singleton live birth rates for ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, by age of woman, 2002. Data points are as follows:

  • Age 22, Pregnancy rate 38.3%, Live birth rate 33.1%, Singleton live birth rate 25.6%
  • Age 23, Pregnancy rate 47.1%, Live birth rate 38.9%, Singleton live birth rate 26.2%
  • Age 24, Pregnancy rate 44.8%, Live birth rate 39.5%, Singleton live birth rate 25.5%
  • Age 25, Pregnancy rate 43.1%, Live birth rate 37.5%, Singleton live birth rate 24.2%
  • Age 26, Pregnancy rate 42.9%, Live birth rate 38.4%, Singleton live birth rate 23.4%
  • Age 27, Pregnancy rate 45.8%, Live birth rate 40.1%, Singleton live birth rate 23.2%
  • Age 28, Pregnancy rate 42.9%, Live birth rate 37.5%, Singleton live birth rate 22.0%
  • Age 29, Pregnancy rate 45.5%, Live birth rate 39.6%, Singleton live birth rate 23.8%
  • Age 30, Pregnancy rate 42.3%, Live birth rate 36.8%, Singleton live birth rate 22.0%
  • Age 31, Pregnancy rate 44.2%, Live birth rate 38.4%, Singleton live birth rate 22.7%
  • Age 32, Pregnancy rate 43.0%, Live birth rate 37.5%, Singleton live birth rate 23.6%
  • Age 33, Pregnancy rate 41.3%, Live birth rate 35.8%, Singleton live birth rate 22.4%
  • Age 34, Pregnancy rate 39.3%, Live birth rate 33.5%, Singleton live birth rate 20.8%
  • Age 35, Pregnancy rate 38.2%, Live birth rate 32.6%, Singleton live birth rate 20.8%
  • Age 36, Pregnancy rate 37.4%, Live birth rate 31.1%, Singleton live birth rate 19.6%
  • Age 37, Pregnancy rate 33.7%, Live birth rate 28.2%, Singleton live birth rate 18.9%
  • Age 38, Pregnancy rate 31.7%, Live birth rate 24.9%, Singleton live birth rate 17.2%
  • Age 39, Pregnancy rate 26.9%, Live birth rate 19.9%, Singleton live birth rate 14.9%
  • Age 40, Pregnancy rate 23.0%, Live birth rate 16.1%, Singleton live birth rate 12.6%
  • Age 41, Pregnancy rate 18.7%, Live birth rate 12.1%, Singleton live birth rate 9.7%
  • Age 42, Pregnancy rate 15.4%, Live birth rate 9.0%, Singleton live birth rate 7.5%
  • Age 43, Pregnancy rate 11.5%, Live birth rate 6.3%, Singleton live birth rate 6.0%
  • Age 44, Pregnancy rate 6.7%, Live birth rate 2.6%, Singleton live birth rate 2.4%
  • Age 45, Pregnancy rate 2.9%, Live birth rate 1.1%, Singleton live birth rate 0.9%
  • Age 46, Pregnancy rate 2.9%, Live birth rate 0.6%, Singleton live birth rate 0.6%

How do ART success rates differ for woman who are 40 or older?

Figure 11

Figure 11 text below

Figure 11 is a bar graph representing pregnancy rates, live birth rates, and singleton live birth rates for ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos among women aged 40 and older, 2002. Note: For consistency, all rates are based on cycles started. Data points are as follows:

  • Age 40, Pregnancy rate 23.0%, Live birth rate 16.1%, Singleton live birth rate 12.6%
  • Age 41, Pregnancy rate 18.7%, Live birth rate 12.1%, Singleton live birth rate 9.7%
  • Age 42, Pregnancy rate 15.4%, Live birth rate 9.0%, Singleton live birth rate 7.5%
  • Age 43, Pregnancy rate 11.5%, Live birth rate 6.3 %, Singleton live birth rate 6.0%
  • >Age 43, Pregnancy rate 5.2%, Live birth rate 2.0%, Singleton live birth rate 1.8%

How do miscarriage rates for ART patients vary among women of different ages?

Figure 12

Figure 12 text below

Figure 12 is a line graph representing miscarriage rates among women who had ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, by age of woman, 2002. Data points are as follows:

  • Age < 25, 13.6%
  • Age 25, 13.0%
  • Age 26, 10.5%
  • Age 27, 12.4%
  • Age 28, 12.6%
  • Age 29, 13.0%
  • Age 30, 13.1%
  • Age 31, 13.1%
  • Age 32, 12.6%
  • Age 33, 13.3%
  • Age 34, 14.7%
  • Age 35, 14.7%
  • Age 36, 16.8%
  • Age 37, 16.2%
  • Age 38, 21.6%
  • Age 39, 26.2%
  • Age 40, 30.2%
  • Age 41, 35.3%
  • Age 42, 41.8%
  • Age 43, 45.0%
  • Age 44, 61.1%
  • Age >44, 64.0%

How does a woman's age affect her chances of progressing through the various stages of ART?

Figure 13

Figure 13 text below

Figure 13 is a bar graph representing outcomes of ART cycles using fresh nondonor eggs or embryos, by stage and age group, 2002.

  • <Age 35, Retrieval 91%, Transfer 86%, Pregnancy 43%, Live birth 37%
  • Age 35–37, Retrieval 87%, Transfer 83%, Pregnancy 36%, Live birth 31%
  • Age 38–40, Retrieval 83%, Transfer 78%, Pregnancy 28%, Live birth 21%
  • Age 41–42, Retrieval 80%, Transfer 73%, Pregnancy 17%, Live birth 11%
  • >Age 42, Retrieval 76%, Transfer 65%, Pregnancy 9%, Live birth 4%

Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5

Selected Resources

Previous ART Reports

Implementation of the Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act of 1992

Assisted Reproductive Technology: Embryo Laboratory

Date last reviewed: 03/23/2006
Content source: Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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bullet Introduction to the 2002 National Report
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bullet Section 2
bullet Section 3
bullet Section 4
bullet Section 5
bullet Introduction to Fertility Clinic Tables
bullet Sample Clinic Table
bullet How to Read a Fertility Clinic Table
bullet 2002 National Summary Report
bullet 2002 Fertility Clinic Report by State
bullet Appendix A
bullet Appendix B
bullet Appendix C
bullet Appendix C Non-Reporting Clinics
bullet Appendix D
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