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Why Certification Is Important
Choosing a Certified Entomologist

Why Get Certified?

Certification can lead to better visibility, opportunities, and jobs. In today's increasingly complex and highly-specialized economy, credentials are everything. Sure, you know you've got the skills to do the job, but how do you convince potential customers and employers?  For many career-minded professionals, certification is often the answer.

For some entomologists, it is recognized as a valuable way to prove professional credentials to non-entomologists and the general public. For others, the topic can generate a puzzled response. Why become certified? Isn't a college degree and/or years of practical hands-on experience enough to establish one's credentials? Either response of yes or no is correct, depending on your clientele and colleagues.

Consider the doctor, plumber, architect, lawyer, or building inspector ... These are all professionals just like you. They have been educated in their craft. They have spent years working in the field, and in some cases, earning their degrees, but credentialing is an important and recognized part of their career.

Is certification right for you? Consider the following questions:

  • Do you work frequently with the public, or among other professionals who are not scientists?

  • Does your employer require you to stay current with the latest industry developments?

  • Is there a lot of competition in your field of work (e.g., do you need to stand out from the crowd)?

  • Are you considering switching jobs and want to make the best impression possible?

  • Are you the kind of person who likes to be the best at what you do?

  • Are you required to maintain an annual license as a professional to practice?

If you answered yes to any one of the questions above, then perhaps certification is right for you. Many professionals (such as crop consultants, administrators, public health, veterinary, urban entomologists, and pest control professionals) frequently choose to become certified.

What ESA Offers:

The Entomological Society of America now offers two certification programs:

  • Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) certification has been designed especially for professionals whose training in entomology has been achieved through continuing education, self study, and on-the-job experience.

  • Board Certified Entomologists (BCE) certification has been designed for professionals with a degree in entomology or a closely-related field. Although a degree is not required to become a BCE, most BCEs hold either a BS or post-graduate degree in entomology.

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