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Our next Annual Meeting will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana from December 13-16, 2009.

The Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America is its premier event each year. For a four-day period, thousands of entomologists and professionals from related disciplines gather from around the world to exchange scientific information and ideas, enhance professional knowledge and skills, network with colleagues and re-acquaint with old friends, and conduct the business of the Society. 

The Annual Meeting agenda includes symposia, workshops, ten-minute papers, and poster presentations. Typically, between 1,800 and 2,300 presentations are given annually! In addition, students compete in the President’s Prize and in the Linnaean Games, and there is a Career Center where job vacancies and resumes are posted. A commercial exhibition features entomological equipment, supplies, and reference materials, as well as the opportunity to purchase gifts for friends and family. During this time, other groups such the Entomological Foundation, the Entomological Collections Network, and Coleopterists’ Society have their meetings as well. And, of course, there are receptions and social events to round out the attendees’ schedules.

Plan on attending the next ESA Annual Meeting! It’s educational, rewarding, and entertaining.


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