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NIH Record  
Vol. LX, No. 3
February 8, 2008
NCI Event Examines Consumer Health IT
Kenyon Presents Wednesday Afternoon Lecture, Feb. 20
NIH Employee Census Virtually Unchanged
NIAAA Expands Asia-Pacific Collaboration
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'Epidemic' or Greater Awareness?
STEP Forum Reveals Current State of Autism Knowledge

“Things have changed. They’ve changed considerably,” said Dr. Roy Richard Grinker, professor of anthropology, human sciences and international affairs at George Washington University, at a recent STEP forum on autism. “And when we look at [current autism] prevalence rates, we can’t compare them to prevalence rates from 20 years ago. We can’t even compare them to prevalence rates from 10 years ago. The methods were different, the concept was different, even today there are different kinds of studies going on.”

The rates he referred to are the hotly discussed recent statistics on autism: that 1 in 150 children are now diagnosed with the spectrum disorder, a much higher percentage than were diagnosed 15 or 20 years ago. It’s a number that has led to frequent use of the term “epidemic.”

NLM’s Royall Reports on Research in Uganda
  Julia Royall of NLM offers a mid-term report on her Fulbright year in Uganda.
  Julia Royall of NLM offers a mid-term report on her Fulbright year in Uganda.

Julia Royall, chief of international programs at NLM, recently touched down on the NIH campus with a multimedia report on her Fulbright research project in Uganda.

“For the past 4 months I’ve been in a whole other world,” she told the audience in Lister Hill Auditorium, where her talk, “NLM into Africa: Uganda Up Close and Personal,” drew a packed house.