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American Entomologist


About this Publication

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Book Reviews (2001-current)

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Information for Contributors

About this Publication

American Entomologist is a quarterly magazine that publishes articles and information of general entomological interest. The magazine publishes letters to the editor, columns, features, research, book reviews, and obituaries. Refer to Information for Contributors for manuscript submission policies and guidelines, and for detailed information on the magazine's articles and columns. Since March 2003, issues that are two-years old become freely available online in PDF format. All book reviews published since 2001 are also freely available online.

See below for the composition of the journal's editorial board.


Gene Kritsky
College of Mount St. Joseph
Professor of Biology
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233-1670
Phone: 513-244-4401
Fax: 513-244-4222

Contributing Editors:

May R. Berenbaum
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

Leon G. Higley
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

Dr. David W. Stanley
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

Grayson C. Brown
Education Connection
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Ricardo T. Bessin
Postmarked: Extension U.S.A
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Phillip G. Mulder, Jr.
Postmarked: Extension U.S.A
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Carol M. Anelli
Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Robert K. D. Peterson
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT

Gregory A. Dahlem
Research Briefs
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY

Jonathan G. Lundgren
Book & Media Reviews Editor
USDA-ARS, North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory, Brookings, SD

Editorial Board:

Please click here for the current American Entomologist Editorial Board. Please click here for the current terms of office for the Editorial Board.

Managing Editor:

Alan Kahan
Entomological Society of America
10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100
Lanham, MD 20706-4876
Phone: 301-731-4535, ext. 3020
Fax: 301-731-4538


Elizabeth Caesar
Entomological Society of America
10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100
Lanham, MD 20706-4876
Phone: 301-731-4535, ext. 3012
Fax: 301-731-4538


Information for Contributors--American Entomologist

American Entomologist is a quarterly magazine that publishes articles and information of general scientific interest, particularly to entomologists. Articles need not be based on primary research and ESA does not pay authors for submissions accepted for publication. All articles are reviewed, but editorial review charges are assessed only for research articles. The magazine publishes letters to the editor, columns, feature articles, research, book reviews, and obituaries.

Letters to the Editor

Letters must address the content of articles or raise legitimate concerns about the magazine. Letters should never be used as vehicles for personal attacks on authors. Legitimate disagreements are acceptable, but must be addressed appropriately. Authors of articles may be requested to reply to a letter. Substantial letters may be considered for publication in one of the magazine columns.


Columns permit the expression of viewpoints and opinions on specific areas of entomology. For information regarding specific columns, authors are encouraged to consult the appropriate column editor. Submissions should be less than 2,000 words (except for Obituaries, which should be less than 500 words).

Postmarked: Extension, USA focuses on issues in extension entomology that are broad enough to interest all entomologists.

Education Connection discusses a variety of topics on teaching of entomology, from classroom experiences to fieldwork.

Forum deals with issues relating to the science of entomology. Articles are usually solicited by the editor to discuss topical issues in entomology and include literature citations.

Commentary deals with issues that affect scientists (such as ethics and authorship).

Buzzwords deals with humorous issues in entomology.

Heritage covers the lives and history of outstanding contributors to the science of entomology.

Research Briefs are summaries of important research articles.

In the Field are tales of the unusual circumstances that entomologists have encountered while during fieldwork.

What is it? This page shows photographs of insects, insect parts, or entomological equipment that provide insight to our understanding of the diversity and history of our science. Images should be submitted as 300 dpi TIF file, and include the answer at the time of submission.


Features cover subjects of a broad interest to amateur and professional entomologists. Articles should be less than 25 double-spaced pages, although longer articles of high quality are considered. High quality photographs, black-and-white or color, should be submitted along with the manuscript. A Suggested Readings List or a References Cited section, or both, should be provided.

Insect Life focuses on natural history and has the same requirements as feature articles.

Musings showcase shorter feature articles and other miscellaneous items, such as poems and cartoons.

Research deals with primary and original research of interest to a broad spectrum of entomologists. Research articles follow all of the requirements of ESA journal articles and are subject to editorial page charges.

Book Reviews are solicited by the Book Review Editor.

Obituaries briefly review the lives of recently deceased ESA members.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should be in MS Word format (PC). Type all manuscripts double-space, flush left, with 1.5-inch margins.  Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Begin each of the following on a separate page and arrange the article in this order: title page, abstract (Research articles only), text, acknowledgements, references cited (Research articles only), footnotes, tables, and figure legends. Articles do not have running heads. See below for further information.

Title Page
In the upper-right corner, type the name, address, and telephone and FAX numbers of the author who is to receive and approve the page proofs. In the upper-left corner, type American Entomologist and the section of the magazine to which you are submitting the article.

Illustrations and Photographs
If possible, figures should be provided electronically in either the TIF format or EPS format. Photographs should be at 300 dpi resolution in grayscale or CMYK color mode, and line art should be at 1200 dpi in bitmap (line) mode. If original drawings are submitted, they should be on illustration board or high-quality laser paper no larger than 8.5 by 11-inches. Photographs should be high-contrast, black and white or color on glossy paper. Separate parts of the same figure should be mounted together on illustration board and arranged to use space efficiently. Indicate a preference for one-, two-, or three- column reproduction (in keeping with the type of article: see a recent issue for examples). Lettering should be typed and legible at the desired reduction. Call the ESA publications office, (301) 731-4535, with questions concerning the preparation of artwork. Each piece of artwork should be labeled with the author's name, address, and telephone number, an abbreviated title of the paper, and the words American Entomologist. Original artwork for rejected manuscripts is returned by the editor. For accepted manuscripts, artwork is returned after the magazine is published.

Style Conventions
Consult the guidelines established in the latest edition of the Style Manual (Council of Biology Editors) and Publish with ESA on the ESA website. Use common names of insects that are approved by the ESA Committee on Common Names of Insects at Common Names.

Proofs and Reprints
Authors receive one set of page proofs, a reprint order form, and a copyright transfer form after a manuscript is typeset.

Editorial Review Charges
ESA members who are authors of Research articles are charged $90 per page to help defray the costs of publishing. The charge to nonmembers is $110 per page. Author alterations—that is, changes that are not the result of printer or editor errors—are billed to authors at a rate of $6.00 per line based on the number of lines affected.

For more detailed instructions regarding preparation of manuscripts, authors should also consult Publish with ESA on the ESA website.

Manuscript Submission

Submit the complete manuscript electronically via email attachment(s). If the attachment is larger than 10 MB, then submit on either a CD or ZIP disk and mail to the address below.

E-mail to:

Or mail to:
American Entomologist
Entomological Society of America
10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100
Lanham, MD 20706-4876

Do not submit manuscripts directly to the editor.

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