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Last updated: May 19, 2008

Systematics Resources for Entomology

Cosponsored by the Systematics Resources Committee of the Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity Section (SysEB) of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) and the Entomological Collections Network (ECN)

The following associated pages are an initial attempt to begin compiling a large-scale system of internet-based systematic and taxonomic literature and resources.  It represents the work of many individuals and even in its current form is far from complete. As with any resource constructed solely in a virtual environment such as this, the pages for which links have been provided are dynamic and subject to change by the original owners without warning. If you find broken links or think there are important resources missing from the list, please contact the SysEB Systematics Resources Committee Chair, Floyd Shockley  ( Every attempt will be made to identify the new location of the moved page, and the list will be regularly updated.  

The SysEB section of ESA is seeking 2-3 additional members interested in serving on the Systematics Resources Committee to continue working to make the list as comprehensive as possible and keep its contents current and relevant to systematists. Please contact Floyd if you are interested in participating in this continuing project.

Audio, Video & Multimedia Resources

Checklists & Bibliographies

Collections & Archives

Collecting Permit Information


Equipment & Supplies


General Entomology Sources

Identification Services



Name and Nomenclature Resources

On-Line Systematics Course


Paleoentomological Resources


Public Data Repositories

Student/Post-doc Resources

Taxon-Organized Resources



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