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Submit a Manuscript

To submit a manuscript for publication in one of the four ESA journals, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Environmental Entomology, Journal of Economic Entomology, or Journal of Medical Entomology, please see below.

To submit manuscript for publication in American Entomologist, Arthropod Management Tests, or the Thomas Say books, please refer to the specific submission requirements noted on each publication's home page.

Journal Submissions

The four journals published by ESA primarily contain research articles, all of which are peer reviewed before being accepted for publication. The manuscript review process is described in the "Publishing Policies and Procedures" section. In addition to scientific research articles, all four journals publish letters to the editor, interpretive or evaluative articles that appear in a Forum section, and book and media reviews. Manuscripts that describe entomological techniques and computer software programs generally are not considered for publication in the journals, although software programs can be covered in the book and media reviews section.

Papers that are published in the Forum section are authored by acknowledged leaders in the field. Forum articles are reviews of a research area that include a stimulating, thought-provoking discussion and that focus on important, and sometimes controversial, issues. They should provide an innovative approach to current thought and speculate about future research directions. Forum articles may also be written by invitation of the journal editor-in-chief.

Where to Submit

All articles should be submitted electronically using the ESA web-based Rapid Review system. Go to and select the "Author Log On" button next to the ESA journal titles. All authors using Rapid Review are required to set up an account by filling in their contact information and determining their user name and password. Once a paper is submitted through the system, the author can log on subsequently and see the status of his or her manuscript.

General Submission Instructions

All manuscripts submitted to the Entomological Society of America should be written with clarity and readability in mind. Manuscripts are subject to editing to ensure conformity to editorial standards and journal style. Consult the Council of Biology Editors' style manual, Scientific Style and Format Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th ed., along with recent issues of the journal for style and format. Follow the requirements shown below when preparing manuscripts and refer to specific ESA editorial standards as noted in the ESA Style Guide.

For authors who are interested in using a commercial editing service before submitting a manuscript, click here to view a list of several service providers.

  • Submit manuscript as an MS Word, WordPerfect, or RTF file with a page size of Letter, 8.5 x 11".

  • Use continuous line numbering on all pages of your manuscript.
    For instructions on how to insert line numbers, click here.

  • Type all as double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and do not right justify text.

  • Use the font Times (New) Roman with a size of 12 point.

  • Left-justify the title, author line, affiliation lines, subheadings, text, and References Cited.

  • Insert tabs, not spaces, for paragraph indents.

  • Use italicization only to indicate scientific names (including viruses), symbols or variables, and words that are defined.

  • Use quotation marks for quoted material only.

  • Use American English spelling throughout and follow Merriam-Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed., for guidance on spelling.

  • Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page.

  • Begin each of the following on a separate page and arrange in the following order: title page, abstract and key words (three to six words), text, acknowledgments, references cited, footnotes, tables, figure legends, and figures.

  • Type all captions on a separate page and put each figure and table on a separate page.

Refer to the Figures section of the ESA Style Guide for information on how to submit figures.

Refer to the ESA Style Guide for additional information.


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