2007 Annual Report is now available

Report Cover 2006
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The Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) is a research institute of the University of Miami located in the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS). CIMAS serves as a mechanism to bring together the research resources of the University with those of NOAA in order to develop a center of excellence in research that is relevant to understanding the Earth's oceans and atmosphere within the context of the NOAA's mission.

The scientific activities in CIMAS are organized under broad Research Themes. The Theme topics and their scientific objectives are guided by NOAA's Strategic Plan and its specific goals in the context of the research activities and expertise resident in the University and the local Miami laboratories of NOAA.

Research Themes

Theme 1: Climate Variability
Investigate the dynamics of the ocean and the atmosphere and the ways in which they interact on interannual and longer-scales and the link to climate variations.

Theme 2: Fisheries Dynamics
Enhance our understanding of fisheries and ecosystem dynamics so as to improve the management of fisheries and marine protected species.

Theme 3: Regional Coastal Ecosystem Processes
Carry out research on the ecological health of coastal ocean ecosystems in the Southeast U.S so as to lead to better management strategies.

Theme 4: Human Interactions with the Coastal Environment
Study human interactions and impacts on the coastal environment so as to provide a scientific basis for environmental decision-making.

Theme 5: Air-Sea Interactions and Exchanges
Understand the energy exchanges and interactions between the atmosphere and the oceans and the consequent effects on atmospheric and ocean mixing and circulation.

Theme 6: Integrated Ocean Observations
Study the integration of modeling and physical measurements in the ocean and the atmosphere so as to achieve optimal designs of observing systems.