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American Red Cross materials dealing with terrorism and unexpected events

Updated October, 2002

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The American Red Cross provides these materials to help you and your family know how to prepare for any type of disaster, and cope with them. In addition to the online brochures, there are printable versions that may be downloaded and distributed to others in your community.

This terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have probably caused you to question a number of things that you previously believed about your own safety, the safety of your family and friends, and moral issues of right and wrong behavior. This questioning is a normal reaction to a disaster and it is important that you discuss your concerns with your loved ones and prepare for the future.

These materials will provide you with information about how to prepare for disasters, as well as how to cope with the emotional and physical reactions you may be experiencing.

Terrorism-Related materials CD-ROM
A CD-ROM with PDF files of all documents listed in this Index. Also includes a "printer's version" in Quark software of the "Terrorism" brochure listed below. Local Red Cross chapters can order as stock number A1372CD for a nominal fee.

Terrorism, Preparing For The Unexpected
Brochure for the general public providing information about how to prepare for disasters of any type. Includes fundamental family disaster preparedness tips, and what to do when disaster strikes. Also, instructions on how to shelter in place and evacuation. An abbreviated first aid primer is included. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 25 as stock number A1366 (English version) or A1366S (Spanish version) for a nominal fee. Also available on-line:

American Red Cross Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations
One-page 8-1/2" x 11" brochures providing instructions for what to do at each color-code level of the Homeland Security Advisory System. There are separate brochures for individuals, families, neighborhoods, schools, and businesses. Local chapters can order in packages of 25 using the stock numbers indicated below. Also available on-line.

Anthrax Questions & Answers
Brochure answering most frequently asked questions about anthrax, including how it is transmitted. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 25 as stock number A1374 in English and A1374S in Spanish for a nominal fee. Also available on-line:

Your Family Disaster Plan
4-page, 3-color brochure describing four steps to disaster safety--finding out what can happen, planning, preparing, and practicing. Local Red Cross chapters can order printed copies in packages of 25 as stock number A4466 (English version) or A4466S (Spanish version) for a nominal fee. The following versions are available on-line:

Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit
4-page, 3-color brochure that gives information on how to assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit and a checklist for items to place in it. Local Red Cross chapters can order printed copies in packages of 25 as stock number A4463 (English version) or A4463S (Spanish version) for a nominal fee. Also available on-line in these languages:

Recommendations for a personal disaster supplies kit for the workplace.
Available on-line only.

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities
46-page booklet designed for use by anyone who has a disability or who works with, lives with, or assists a person with a disability. Has information on possible disaster effects, assessing personal needs and abilities, suggestions about forming a personal support network, and fill-in-the-blank checklists. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 5 as stock number A5091 for a nominal fee. Also available on-line.

Disaster Preparedness for People With Disabilities Audio Cassette.
Two standard cassette tapes in one package. Provides information from printed booklet (ARC 5091) in verbal form. Local Red Cross chapters can order as stock number A5091C for a nominal fee.

Food and Water in an Emergency
4-page, 3-color brochure that gives information on how to store water, water purification, water sources, and food storage. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 25 as stock number A5055 for a nominal fee. Also available on line in these versions:

Preparing Your Business for the Unthinkable-Brochure
Tri-fold, self-mailer brochure that provides essential tips for small and medium-sized businesses on disaster planning and ways to reduce potential disaster damage. Designed to be the introductory piece to distribute to business owners/operators. For more information, consider using the Emergency Management Guide for Business and Industry (A5025) for detailed disaster planning and preparedness instructions. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 25 as stock number A1235 for a nominal fee. Also available on line.

Helping Young Children Cope with Trauma
Concise, straight forward, age-appropriate information describes reaction of children to the trauma of disaster. Suggests ways the adults around them can help them to recover. Includes a section on when to seek professional help. Covers reactions of children ages 2-18. Designed for parents and care givers. Local Red Cross chapters can order as stock number A1303 (English version, in packages of 25) or A1303S (Spanish version, in packages of 10) for a nominal fee. Also available on-line:

Guide for Families Affected by Transportation Disasters
Brochure offers description of natural reactions to aviation and other transportation disasters. Includes coping strategies and information that helps with practical decisions. Describes Family Assistance Center, and explains relationship between Red Cross and the National Transportation Safety Board. Local Red Cross chapters can order in packages of 25 as stock number A1301 for a nominal fee. Also available on-line:

Facing Fear: Helping Young People Deal With Terrorism and Tragic Events
A curriculum supplement for teachers to help them deal with children's concerns, fears, anger, and feelings when human-caused events occur. Aligned with national standards in social studies, health, and language arts. Available in four complete sets for teachers of grades K-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Each set of materials consists of a Lesson Plans book for adults, and an activities book from which copies can be made for children. Consult the linked web site for ordering information.

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