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The ESA membership is organized by subject matter-oriented Sections to advance the purpose of The Society and their own Section agendas. The following paragraphs provide brief descriptions of the four Sections and of the ESA members which are most likely to join each one.

  • Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity: This Section is for people who study insect anatomy, classification and history. As the name implies, it focuses on systematics, evolution and biodiversity, but it could also include morphology, ecology, population dynamics, genetics, phylogeny, nomenclature, biogeography, zoology, and other specialties.
    Current Officers
    Terms of Office
  • Integrative Physiological and Molecular Insect Systems: This Section is for people who study insects at the cellular or molecular levels, and it includes topics such as biochemistry, microbiology, toxicology, endocrinology, cytology, molecular biology, allelochemicals, pheromones, hormones, metabolism, and others.
    Current Officers
    Terms of Office
  • Structural, Veterinary, and Public Health Systems: This Section deals with insect interactions with other animals, including humans. Topics include medical entomology, urban entomology, veterinary entomology, forensic entomology, epidemiology, integrated disease management, human and veterinary parasitology, public health pest management, mosquito control, management of structural pests (e.g., termites, ants), and others.
    Current Officers
    Terms of Office
  • Plant–Insect Ecosystems: This Section deals with insect interactions with plants. Topics include behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary relationships in natural landscapes, as well as integrated pest management (IPM) in agriculture, horticulture, forests, and lawn and garden. Aspects of crop protection, host-plant response, plant pathology/vectors, pollination, biological control, microbial control, and others are relevant.
    Current Officers
    Terms of Office


Capability Committees designed to facilitate communication across Sections consist of one representative appointed by each Section President. They are:  

    Outreach on Science and Public Policy

    Continuing Education

    Fostering Interest in Entomology

    Program and Issue Leadership

The Governing Council of each Section consists of elected officers to include: President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and Representative to the Governing Board of The Society. Section Governing Councils may identify and appoint additional members, including a Secretary of the Section. Section officers are elected by members of The Society who are on record as belonging to that Section in a ballot provided concurrently with the election for officers of The Society. Nominations of candidates for election are solicited from all members of the Section according to procedures adopted by the Section. Vacancy in the office of Section Representative on the Governing Board are filled by appointment by the President of the Section, and the appointee serves until the term expires.

Sections hold at least one business meeting per calendar year and may hold other meetings or conferences at the call of the President of the Section and approval by the Section Governing Council. Sections may put forward proposals and develop program activities for the Annual Meeting of The Society. Sections shall not charge dues but may charge fees to directly support the agenda and activities of Sections with the approval of Section membership.

ESA members may choose to join more than one Section, beginning in 2008. If you would like to do so, please call Member Services at 410-263-3622.

NOTE ON OLD SECTIONS: With the approval of a revision of the Bylaws of ESA in 2007, the number of Sections was reduced from six to four starting in 2008. For archived information from the old Sections and Subsections (prior to 2008), click here.


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