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NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP)
Threat-based Working Groups

A stoplight parrotfish cruises above brain coral in the Florida Keys.
A stoplight parrotfish cruises above brain coral in the Florida Keys. Photo Credit: George Cathcart

This page provides background and information on the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) threat-based working groups: Climate Change, Fishing Impacts, and Land-based Sources of Pollution. It also contains info on the cross-cutting International Working Group.

Background Information on the Threat-based Working Groups

Climate Change Working Group

Fishing Impacts Working Group

Land-based Sources of Pollution Working Group

International Working Group

Background Information on the Threat-based Working Groups

In 2007, the CRCP underwent an External Review by a panel of recognized experts in coral reef resource science and management to provide an independent assessment of the CRCP's effectiveness in meeting its goals and to suggest recommendations for future improvement.  In response to the panel's report, the CRCP developed a Roadmap for the Future (pdf, 247 kb) , laying out new principles and priorities for the future of the Program.  According to this new Roadmap, the primary objective of the CRCP will be to address strategic coral reef management needs and the CRCP will narrow its focus by emphasizing efforts on understanding and addressing the top three global and national threats to coral reef ecosystems: fishing impacts, land-based sources of pollution and climate change.

In order to implement the proposed changes, the CRCP will put into place three working groups to provide recommendations on the strategic goals and objectives the Program should work towards in the next 5-20 years in order to effectively address each of these top three threats.

  • Outcomes: goals and objectives put forward by these working groups will drive the development of targeted projects to address each threat over the long term and will influence project funding decisions

  • Timeline: October 2008 - May 2009

  • Membership: approximately 15 individuals each; NOAA and non-NOAA topic experts, chaired by NOAA staff

Read the charge to the working groups (pdf, 27 kb) to learn more about the specific composition of, instructions to, timeline for, and process and responsibilities of the three working groups.

To contact us about these working groups, please send an email to


Climate Change Working Group

Working Group Co-Chairs: Mark Eakin and Chad McNutt

Working Group Coordinator: Britt Parker, Alternate: John Tomczuk

Membership List (pdf, 44 kb)

Meeting Minutes: 10-29-2008 (11.2 kb) 11-25-2008 (pdf, 12 kb) , 12-9-2008 (pdf, 15 kb)


Fishing Impacts Working Group

Working Group Co-Chairs: Jim Bohnsack and Gerry Davis

Working Group Coordinator: Jen Koss, Alternate: Anita Pritchett

Membership List (pdf, 16 kb)

Meeting Minutes: 10-29-2008 (pdf, 16 kb), 11-20-2008 (pdf, 17.7 kb)


Land-based Sources of Pollution Working Group

Working Group Chair: Billy Causey

Working Group Coordinator: Beth Dieveney

Membership List (pdf, 16 kb)

Meeting Minutes: 10-20-2008 (pdf, 13 kb), 11-3-2008 (pdf, 19.3 kb), 11.17.08 (pdf, 16.2 kb)


International Working Group

The CRCP external review panel recommended that the CRCP (1) increase participation in international coral reef conservation efforts, (2) build and strengthen international partnerships, and (3) strengthen NOAA international leadership. To achieve these goals, the CRCP has formed an International Working Group (IWG) to provide recommendations on the strategic goals and objectives the Program should work towards to enhance strategic planning and expand the international program. While the three threat-based groups are focusing on domestic goals and objectives, this group will focus on international efforts to alleviate all three major threats to reefs.

Working Group Co-coordinators: Christy Loper and Scot Frew

Membership List (pdf, 15 kb)

Meeting Minutes: 10-29-2008 (pdf, 15 kb) , 11-13-2008 (pdf, 16 kb), 12-4-2008 (pdf, 21 kb)


Threat-based Working Groups:

Main Page

Climate Change Resources

Fishing Impacts Resources (coming soon)

Land-based Sources of Pollution Resources

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