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Annual Schedule for ESA and Foundation Awards and Honors

March 15
Nomination packages for ESA Honorary Membership and Fellows due to ESA headquarters.

April 1
Nomination packages for ESA Honorary Membership and Fellows of ESA released to the Committees on Honorary Membership and Fellows of ESA.

May 1
Selections and recommendations from Committees on Honorary Membership and Fellows of ESA due to ESA headquarters.

(Please note: This date may change depending on when the ESA Governing Board will hold its meeting; please check the society calendar for the committee report deadline.)

ESA Governing Board votes on Honorary Member and Fellow candidates during its summer meeting; nominees and nominators will be notified of their results after the meeting. Honorary Member candidates with a favorable Board vote will appear on the upcoming ballot for election by ESA's membership.

July 1
Nomination/application packages due for the following ESA and Foundation awards:

ESA Professional Awards

ESA Student Awards

Foundation Professional Awards

Foundation Student Awards

July 15
Nomination/application packages releases to judges.*

Honorary Member candidates who were approved by the ESA Governing Board to appear on ballot for ESA's elections.

August 15
Selections due from judging panels.*

Votes of member-wide election of ESA Honorary Members tallied.

Biographies and photos due of each Branch's winner of the John Henry Comstock Graduate Student Award.

September 1
Nominees and nominators notified of nominees’ results.*

Nominees and nominators for ESA Honorary Membership notified of their results.

Applications for the Foundation's Joseph H. Camin Fellowship due directly to selection committee.

October 1
Nomination packages for the ESA Founders’ Memorial Award due to ESA headquarters.

October 15
Nomination packages for the ESA Founders’ Memorial Award released to Committee on the Founders’ Memorial Award.

December 15
Selection due from Committee on the Founders’ Memorial Award.

December 31
Nominees and nominators to be notified of the results of their nomination for the ESA Founders’ Memorial Award.

During ESA Annual Meeting
ESA and Foundation professional awardees and ESA's honorees recognized during plenary session.

ESA and Foundation student awardees recognized during student awards session.

Results of the Foundation's Camin Fellowship are determined. The awardee is recognized during the student awards session.


* For awards and scholarships noted under the June 1 and July 1 entries above.


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