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Elizabeth G. Nabel, M.D. Message from the Director

I am very pleased to share with you the NHLBI Strategic Plan: Shaping the Future of Research. This plan is the result of an inclusive, bottom-up approach involving the efforts of over 600 individuals and feedback from our many intermediary groups.

The Strategic Plan will guide the NHLBI’s scientific directions over the next five to ten years. It is structured around three goals that reflect the successive movement of scientific discovery -- from “form to function” (Goal 1), “function to causes” (Goal 2), and “causes to cures” (Goal 3) – and inform and complement each other. This crosscutting, versus disease specific, approach enables us to better determine where the NHLBI is well positioned to make major contributions through investigator-initiated research and through programs that enable and complement investigator-initiated activities.

The detailed implementation of the plan, the evaluation of its progress, and plan updates will be developed by the Institute over the life of the Strategic Plan, in consultation with its Advisory Council and involvement of our many constituencies. This is truly a working plan that will continue to involve the efforts of many.

This website offers the opportunity to download the printed version of the plan with graphics, an illustrated summary brochure suitable for patients and the general public, and PowerPoint presentations describing the planning process and contents of the plan, and an overview of related heart, lung, and blood research programs of the Institute. You can also use our online ordering system to order printed copies of both of the illustrated publications. As we move forward, this website will be updated accordingly.

Thank you for your interest in our Strategic Plan. I welcome any comments and/or questions you might want to share with me.

Elizabeth G. Nabel, M.D.

Strategic Plan Materials
Bullet entry Strategic Plan (with graphics) PDF document
Bullet entry Strategic Plan (without graphics)PDF document
Bullet entry Summary Brochure (with graphics) PDF document
Bullet entry Strategic Plan Slide Sets
Bullet entry Publications Flyer & Order Form

Strategic Plan Process
Bullet entry Plan Preparation
Bullet entry Strategic Plan Timeline
Bullet entry Level One Final Reports
Bullet entry Level Two Overview
Bullet entry Level Three Public Comment Overview
Bullet entry Plan Dissemination
Bullet entry Plan Implementation



Department of Health and Human Services website Department of Health and Human Services   National Institute of Health website National Institute of Health   National Heart Lung and Blood Institute website National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute