Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

San Marcos National Fish Hatchery & Technology Center

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The San Marcos National Fish Hatchery & Technology Center works with more than fish. Center biologists seek ways to spawn and raise two endangered salamanders that naturally occur in central Texas.

A botanist maintains a stock of endangered Texas wildrice, while working to restore the rare plant in the nearby San Marcos River.

Fish such as the endangered fountain darter benefit from the tremendous scientific capabilites of this central Texas facility. Center biologists study the effects of an invasive flatworm, and were first to spawn the threatened Devils River minnow indoors, making a large leap forward in conserving a fish facing extinction.

Devils river Minnow
Devils River Minnow

Dr. Tom Brandt
Center Director
500 East McCarty Lane
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Phone: 512/353-0011
Fax: 512/353-0856


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Last updated: October 28, 2008
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