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Southwest Region 2 Refuges |

National Wildlife Refuge System
Muleshoe, the oldest national wildlife refuge in Texas, is one of a chain of refuges in the central flyway. Located on the high plains of west Texas, Muleshoe was established as a wintering area for migratory waterfowl and sandhill cranes. When sufficient water is present, the refuge hosts large numbers of sandhill cranes and a variety of waterfowl.

Short-grass rangeland with scattered mesquite extends over most of the refuge's 5,809 acres. Muleshoe has three sink-type lakes that have no outlets, depend entirely on runoff for water, and are periodically dry. When the lakes are full, 600 acres of water are available for wildlife.

group of Sandhill cranes, image courtesy of FWS library

Species List.pdf

Muleshoe Brochure.pdf

Grulla Bird List.pdf

Cholla flowers

How to Get There
From Muleshoe, take Highway 214 south 20 miles. Go west on Caliche Road for 2.25 miles to refuge headquarters. From Morton, take Highway 214 north 18 miles. Go west on Caliche Road 2.25 miles.