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Table 2.  Reported cases of sexually transmitted disease by gender and reporting source: United States, 
          1994 *
                                            Non-STD Clinic                      STD Clinic                        Total +
                                    -----------------------------    -----------------------------    -----------------------------
   DISEASE                           MALE      FEMALE       TOTAL      MALE     FEMALE      TOTAL       MALE     FEMALE      TOTAL
   Total Syphilis                   12,480     15,380      27,925     28,178     25,530     53,771     40,658     40,911     81,696
     Primary                         1,313        607       1,928      4,107      1,246      5,362      5,420      1,853      7,290
     Secondary                       1,456      2,743       4,205      3,789      5,333      9,132      5,245      8,076     13,337
     Early Latent                    4,075      5,964      10,083     11,008     10,880     21,928     15,083     16,845     32,012
     Late and Late Latent            4,931      5,346      10,279      8,865      7,693     16,557     13,797     13,039     26,840
     Total Congenital                  705        720       1,430        408        378        787      1,113      1,098      2,217
      Congenital <1 year               704        713       1,422        408        373        782      1,112      1,086      2,204
   Total Gonorrhea                  68,833    108,673     177,745    153,438     86,679    240,322    222,271    195,353    418,068
     Gonococcal PID&                    NA      3,248       3,250         NA      3,707      3,707         NA      6,958      6,960
     Ophthalmia Neonatorum             165        198         363        607        590      1,197        772        788      1,560
     Other Specified                21,341     32,102      53,553     58,383     30,807     89,317     79,746     62,910    142,893
     Not Specified                  32,138     50,273      82,412     62,724     34,047     96,771     94,862     84,321    179,184
   Chancroid                            17         18          35        566        152        718        583        170        773
   Granuloma Inguinale                   0          0           0          1          2          3          1          2          3
   Lymphogranuloma Venereum             31         76         107        101         19        120        132         95        235
   Total Chlamydia Trachomatis      25,930    219,030     245,138     26,996     99,845    127,024     52,933    318,886    448,984
     Chlamydial PID                     NA      1,999       1,999         NA        598        598         NA      2,597      2,597
     Ophthalmia Neonatorum             107        119         226         16         20         36        123        139        262
     Other Specified                 5,956     50,207      56,226      6,260     16,608     23,025     12,216     66,815     79,251
     Not Specified                  10,877     97,404     108,283     11,936     47,849     59,785     22,819    145,264    168,085
   Other and Not Specified PID          NA      2,119       2,119         NA      3,550      3,550         NA      7,985      7,985
   Nonspecific Urethritis in Men     7,441         NA       7,441     50,593         NA     50,593     64,403         NA     64,403
   Mucopurulent Cervicitis              NA        454         454         NA     16,124     16,124         NA     16,578     16,578
* NA = Not applicable

+ Totals include unknown gender and reporting source

& PID = Pelvic inflammatory disease

NOTE: Georgia has been excluded from Gonorrhea numbers for 1994 (see Appendix).

SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007