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Agent Modules

Terrorism. Never before in our history has the need for preparedness been so great. Terrorism could be an attack using weapons of mass destruction, chemicals, as well as weapons of viruses, bacteria, and other germs. The effects of an attack using chemicals or radiation would be immediate. But many critical hours or even days could silently go by before we might know about the devastating effects of an attack using a dangerous, disease-causing germ. The following modules are intended to help you recognize a terrorist event as it relates to the health of our community. Being more prepared to quickly recognize an intentional biological, chemical, or radiological incident is critical to ensuring a prompt public health response to control the situation and prevent additional illnesses or deaths. This response could mean the difference between one illness and many.


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Page last reviewed February 12, 2007
Page last modified March 9, 2003

  • Content source: Division of Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response (DBPR), National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases (NCPDCID), Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID)
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