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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  November 14, 2002 202-225-2605  
Pipeline Safety Bill Clears Last Hurdle 
Larsen hails bill that will keep communities safe

Washington, D.C. - For the first time since the pipeline-related tragedy in Bellingham over three and one half years ago, a pipeline safety bill is on its way to the President’s desk. U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen pushed hard and worked colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers to make it happen.

"I pledged two years ago that I would get this done. As a Congressman, I always remember who I work for - my constituents, not special interests," Larsen said.

He added, "Pipeline safety has finally made it to the ninth inning. This will have a tremendous impact on our community’s safety."

The bill increases penalty fines; improves operator qualifications; provides whistle blower protection; improves pipeline testing timelines; and allows for state oversight.

The bill also includes a provision Larsen created that will authorize $6 million for local emergency responders to train and prepare for pipeline related accidents.

Larsen said, "I’d like to thank Senator Patty Murray for her leadership in the Senate. She was able to get a pipeline safety bill passed year after year. It was the House that needed to step up to the plate. We’ve finally done that."

Larsen sits on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which oversees the Office of Pipeline Safety.

--- summary below ---

Pipeline Safety Conference Agreement


State’s authority: Secretary may authorize states to participate in the oversight of pipelines. States must meet certain criteria. Existing agreements are recognized. (House and Senate included).

Public education programs: Pipeline facilities shall carry out public education programs. Facilities have 12 months after date of enactment to establish programs to advise municipalities, schools, businesses, etc. (House included).

Whistleblower protection: Non-discrimination clause against whistleblowers. Whistleblowers have 180 days to file any complaints with Secretary of Labor. Investigation process to be followed by DOL is outlined. (House and Senate included).

Penalties: $100,000 - $1 million fines for violators of law, based on degree of culpability, history of prior violations, ability to pay, and good faith in attempting to comply. (House and Senate included).

Information Grants: $50,000 grant program to be established by Secretary of Transportation to be awarded to local communities and groups of individuals relating to safety of pipelines. (House included).

Operator assistance in investigations: Following a pipeline accident, the pipeline operator will make all relevant materials available to the NTSB or Secretary of Transportation. (Senate included).

Population Encroachment: Authorizes a study of land use practices, zoning ordinances, and preservation of environmental resources with regard to pipeline rights of way and their maintenance to be carried out by the Department of Transportation. (House and Senate included).

Pipeline Integrity Research and Development Program: Establishes a program of research, development, demonstration, and standardization to ensure the integrity of pipeline facilities. 120 days after enactment, the heads of participating agencies shall enter into a MOU detailing their responsibilities. 1 year after enactment, the relevant agencies will transmit to Congress a 5-year program plan to guide this program. Authorizes $10 million for each of the fiscal years 2003-2006. (House and Senate included with some differences…closer to Senate language).

Operator qualifications: Secretary of Transportation has one year to put in place criteria for pipeline operator qualifications. Pipeline operators have 2 years from enactment to put in place their own qualification program. Lays out specific qualifications for these programs. (House and Senate included).

Pipeline integrity management: Secretary has 12 months to issue regulations to direct pipeline operators’ conduct of a risk analysis of pipelines. Operators will have 10 years after date of enactment to conduct a baseline integrity assessments of their pipelines. At least "50 percent of such facilities shall be assessed not later than 5 years after date of enactment." The operator will prioritize such facilities for assessment based on the risk assessment. Periodic reassessment of the facility will be required at least once every 7 years. The Secretary has the right to waive a reassessment of a facility. (House and Senate both included….closer to House language).

National pipeline mapping system: Operators required to provide certain information regarding their pipelines no later than 6 months after enactment to the Secretary of Transportation (bill specifies the information needed). (House included).

Coordination of environmental reviews: Directs President to establish an interagency committee to develop a coordinated environmental review and permitting process to enable pipeline operators to complete all activities necessary (describes committee makeup). (House included).

Toll-free number system: Directs Secretary of Transportation to establish a 3-digit nationwide toll-free number system to be used by State one-call notification systems. (House included).

Implementation of Inspector General Recommendations: Requires the implementation of safety recommendations made by the DOT I.G. in RT-2000-069. (Senate included).

NTSB Safety recommendations: Requires timely compliance with NTSB recommendations about pipeline safety (section 1135 of title 49 of US Code) (House and Senate included).

Appropriations: $45.8 million for FY2003, $46.8 million for FY2004, $47.1 for FY2005, $50 million for FY2006, including grants for states at the following levels: $19.8 million for FY2003, $21.7 million for FY2004, $24.6 million for FY2005, and $26.5 million for FY2006. (House and Senate included…closer to House authorizations).

Emergency Response Grants: Secretary may establish a program for making grants to State, county, and local governments in high consequence areas for training, technical assistance, and emergency response management. $6 million is authorized for this program. (House included)


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