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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  October 3, 2002 202-225-2605  
Rick Larsen Applauds U.S. Senate for Moving Forward with Wild Sky
After passing in House Resources Committee last month, Senate followed suit today in support of Murray-Larsen Wild Sky Wilderness bill

Washington, D.C. - Today Wild Sky - Washington’s first proposed Wilderness area since 1984 - moved forward in the U.S. Senate and is one step closer to becoming a reality.  Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Rick Larsen, Wild Sky bi0ll creators, are simultaneously pushing the bill forward in the House and Senate to assure Wild Sky’s protection. 

“Each time Wild Sky moves a step closer to becoming a reality, it goes to show that bipartisan efforts produce results,” Larsen said.  “Senator Murray and I labored over the details of Wild Sky to ensure its success.   Our hard work seems to be paying off and everyone will benefit from it.”

Today, with help from Sen. Cantwell, the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee agreed on the bill -- the last step necessary before the full Senate can vote on it.  Similarly, Larsen was able to push it through the House Resources Committee last month.  The two chambers are neck and neck in their efforts to create Washington state’s first Wilderness area since 1984. 

On the U.S. Senate’s progression, Larsen commented, “Senator Murray has truly gone to bat for Washington state.  Her efforts will help preserve a recreational resource and boost our local economy - two things we can all enjoy.”

Wild Sky will designate over 106,000 acres of roadless national forest as Wilderness.  Traditionally, Wilderness has consisted solely of old growth forest at higher elevations.  Wild Sky is innovative in that it will protect approximately 14,000 acres of low-elevation old growth, which will protect salmon streams while still making the land available for recreational use.

For a more detailed description of Wild Sky, please read the Seattle Post Intelligencer’s NW Outdoors:


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