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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  March 29, 2002 202-225-2605  
Larsen Supports Whidbey Island Scenic Corridor Management Application

Washington, D.C. - This week Congressman Rick Larsen (WA-02) wrote a letter of support for the Whidbey Island Scenic Corridor Management application submitted by Island County Public Works for the National Scenic Byways Grant Program.  

Larsen said of the grant application, “This is an opportunity for Whidbey Island to vie for its fair share of federal transportation dollars.  I commend Island County for seizing this opportunity and am fully supportive of their efforts.”

In a letter of support Larsen wrote, “The corridor management plan will identify the intrinsic qualities that help define the resident and visitor experience of the community and suggest ways to preserve and enhance those qualities for the future.”

Larsen added, “This project is designed to allow residents and local businesses to invest in preserving this unique and important corridor.”

The purpose of the National Scenic Byways Grant Program is to recognize and enhance roads that have outstanding scenic, historic, cultural, natural, recreational, and archaeological qualities, and support State scenic byway initiatives.

The National Scenic Byways Grant Program was first created as part of the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA - pronounced ‘ice tea’).  The program was continued in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which is up for reauthorization next year.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, corridor management plans provide a comprehensive understanding of the route and the community’s plans to preserve and enhance it.   If the Whidbey Island Corridor Management application is approved, federal dollars can help cover the costs of inventories, public meetings, maps, preparation and printing of the report and implementation measures such as resource protection, marketing, interpretation, construction of related byway facilities, and intrinsic quality enhancement measures.


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