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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  December 3, 2001 202-225-2605  
Rick Larsen Announces Assistance for Unemployed Georgia Pacific Workers
Federal aid comes just as state and company severance packages come to an end.

Washington, D.C. - Tonight Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) announced findings from the Department of Labor that Bellingham’s Georgia Pacific workers are eligible to apply for federal adjustment assistance under Section 223 of the Trade Act of 1974.  The findings come just before the holidays and the end of severance packages offered by the state and company.

“This is a bright light shining in the midst of Washington’s dark economy,” said Larsen.  

“The hard working families, many of whom dedicated their entire working lives to the company, deserve the additional aid to find new beginnings,” Larsen said.  “There is hope for our families and our economy,” added Larsen.

Georgia Pacific workers qualify for assistance through the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which provides the following assistance for workers:

-- Training for employment in another job or career.  
-- Income support for 52 weeks after a worker’s unemployment compensation benefit is exhausted.
-- Job search allowance that may be payable to cover expenses incurred in seeking employment outside a worker’s normal commuting area.
-- Relocation allowances for approved expenses if a worker is successful in obtaining employment outside his or her normal commuting area to relocate to his/her new area of employment.

“This is a strong first step in getting our economy back on track,” Larsen stated. 


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