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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  October 15, 2001 202-225-2605  
Larsen Announces Ten Additional Inspectors Assigned to Washington State Northern Border
Additional Border Crossing Lanes Open Tomorrow

Washington, D.C. - Today Rep. Rick Larsen’s office was told by Immigration and Naturalization Services that ten additional inspectors will be stationed at the U.S. – Canada border in Washington state beginning tomorrow.    

“This is very encouraging news,” Larsen said.  “While the rest of the nation works to get back to normal [from the Sept. 11th attacks], my goal for the border it to do even better than that.”

The additional inspectors will be enough to open an additional lane at the Peace Arch and Pacific Highway crossings.  INS will also extend the evening hours of an inspection lane at the Lynden truck crossing.  

“This will be a huge first step in getting our local economy back on track,” Larsen added.
Larsen is an advocate of increased resources at the U.S. – Canada border and is a member of the Northern Border Caucus.  INS would not disclose from where the additional inspectors were coming but wanted to inform Larsen that the needs of the U.S. border were being addressed as quickly as possible.  


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