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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  October 12, 2001 202-225-2605  
Rick Larsen Votes for Anti-Terrorism Legislation
Bill Huge Victory for Advocates of Northern Border

Washington, D.C. - In an effort to combat terrorism, today Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) voted for H.R. 2975, more commonly referred to as the Anti-Terrorism Bill.  The bill will triple the number of Border Patrol agents, Customs Service, and Immigration and Naturalization Services inspectors stationed along the Northern border. 

“This bill is a balanced bill that will further our efforts in the fight against terrorism,” Larsen said.

A strong advocate for more resources at the Northern border, Larsen was particularly pleased with the provisions that addressed the security needs at the U.S.-Canada border. 

Larsen said, “The recent terrorist attacks have resulted in a heightened awareness to the security needs at the U.S. – Canada border.  With more agents at the border, we will be able to keep out the bad traffic and encourage the good traffic.”

The bill will triple the number of border patrol agents, Customs Service personnel, and INS inspectors in each state along the Northern border.  INS and U.S. Customs Service will each receive $50 million to make necessary technologic improvements or to purchase new equipment for the purpose of monitoring the Northern Border.

Addressing other provisions in the bill, Larsen added, “The anti-terrorism bill is a balanced bill that provides new tools for law enforcement officials to fight terrorism while maintaining civil liberties for American citizens.  Government agencies will be required to share essential information and better coordinate the war against terrorism.  The bill also recognizes changes in technology that will allow the use of surveillance tools that are necessary in the war against terrorism, while still addressing privacy concerns.”


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