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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  September 18, 2001 202-225-2605  
Rep. Rick Larsen Troubled by News of Layoffs at Boeing but Moves Forward for Solutions

Washington, D.C. - Tonight Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) of the Everett area was troubled by an announcement of future job layoffs at Boeing due to Tuesday’s terrorist attack and canceled delivery orders but assured Congress will be in search of solutions.

This week Congress will consider an airlines assistance package to help airlines recover from Tuesday’s attack.  Larsen said, “Congress needs to move forward in a way that helps both the airlines and Boeing in their efforts to recover from Tuesday’s terrorist attack.”

“The enormous number of layoffs is staggering enough but it doesn’t even begin to take into account the number of small businesses and working families who will also be impacted by this decision,” added Larsen.

Larsen said, “Just as communities banded together after Tuesday’s attack, we will band together to help our working families.  Congress will return to session this week and you can be certain that my work will begin by seeing how we can help Boeing’s employees and their families.  I will do everything within my power to save these jobs.”

Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) sits on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and represents the Second Congressional District, which covers Everett to the Canadian Border and includes one of Boeing’s major manufacturing plants.


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