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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  July 25, 2005 202-225-2605  
Federal Funds to Begin Clean Up of Nooksack River Dump

Washington, D.C. - Today Larsen praised the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to award a $252,269 Cooperative Grant to the Nooksack Tribe in order to assist with cleanup efforts at the Nooksack River dump site. Upon learning of the Foothills Recycling garbage dump, Larsen toured the area in March of 2005 with local and EPA officials and urged the agency to make the funds available.

The grant will bring together the EPA, the Nooksack Tribe and the Bureau of Indian Affairs in a cooperative effort to begin the cleanup process.

“In March I got an up close and personal look at the dump site. After talking with the EPA and tribal officials, we agreed that cleanup would take a committed, cooperative effort,” Larsen said.

“These initial dollars will get us off to a strong start. This grant will allow us to deal with the solid waste material and design a short-term river stabilization project,” he explained.

The Nooksack Tribe has contracted with the Nooksack Tribal Public Works Office to do the work. The Tribe will oversee daily operations and will communicate and work closely with EPA officials as the project moves forward.

“These funds should also help construct a security fence between the road and the property, so that we won’t be dealing with this problem again,” Larsen added.

He concluded, “We still have work to do, and I’m committed to helping secure future federal help for this cleanup effort.”

Larsen represents the 2nd Congressional District that includes Whatcom County.


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