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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  July 21, 2005 202-225-2605  
Larsen Supports Oversight, Opposes Patriot Act

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement today regarding his opposition to the USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 3199). The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 3199 later this evening.

“I stand strongly behind efforts to protect the American people and to defend our homeland. Unfortunately, this Patriot Act reauthorization does neither.

“Preventing terrorism while protecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens is one of the biggest challenges facing Congress today. The Patriot Act epitomizes this struggle.

“Congress passed the Patriot Act in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Prior to September 11th, U.S. terrorism-prevention tools had not kept pace with technology and other emerging terrorist methods. In retrospect, however, Congress acted far too quickly in passing the bill.
“While this flawed bill included a handful of appropriate and necessary tools to fight terrorism in the 21st century, Congress should have taken immediate steps to fix the parts of the bill that invade privacy.

“There is nothing patriotic about handing over to Big Brother unchecked power to invade the privacy of all Americans.

“There is nothing patriotic about waiving oversight and accountability in the name of homeland security. We cannot have homeland security if our homes are not safe from unconstitutional invasions by anyone - including the U.S. government.

“This reauthorization gave Congress the opportunity to right its wrongs and sunset or eliminate several damaging Patriot Act provisions.  The Republican majority abdicated that responsibility.

“A patriot is one who loves, supports, and defends one’s country. As a patriot who loves this country, I pledge to support and defend this nation against her enemies, just as I will support and defend America’s freedoms that make this nation great.”


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