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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  July 21, 2005 202-225-2605  
Iraq Report Card Shows Progress Made, Milestones Left to Hit

Washington, D.C. - Larsen commented today on a Department of Defense report to Congress that measures stability and security in Iraq.  This is the first report, as required in the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2005 and new reports will come every 90 days.

“This Iraq progress report shows that we are making headway in Iraq, but the report highlights the work left to be done.

“As I have said before, we need to define milestones for success, not timelines for withdrawal in Iraq. These reports are exactly what Americans need in order to chart our progress toward hitting those milestones.

“The report shows that we are putting more Iraqi Security Forces on the beat and improving reconstruction efforts. It points out that we are moving toward getting an Iraqi constitution and representative government in place, but that the political process has a long way to go. 

“It also shows that the insurgency is still strong and that we have a long way to go before we have enough trained, equipped and operational Iraqi Security Forces to take over the driver’s seat of Iraqi security.

“I will continue working through the House Armed Services Committee and Congress to ensure that we move forward in Iraq and that we hold the President accountable as we do so.”


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