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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  January 6, 2005 202-225-2605  
Rep. Rick Larsen Travels to Asia with House Armed Services Committee Colleagues

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) leaves today for a ten-day congressional delegation trip to Asia. Larsen joins with nine other colleagues for the trip sponsored by the House Armed Services Committee. The trip’s focus will be on security issues in China and South Korea.

“Washington state is just across the ocean from the world’s fastest-growing economy and a modernizing, growing military,” Larsen said. “As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, this trip will give me a clearer picture of the security situation in China and in the Koreas.” 

He continued, “I will meet with U.S. servicemen and women who are stationed in the Pacific region to thank them for protecting our values and our nation and to ensure that they have the necessary resources to do their jobs.”

The group will receive briefings on North Korean Nuclear Weapon and Missile Development and other emerging security threats.

The delegation will meet with diplomatic and military officials such as U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Christopher Hill; South Korean Foreign Minister Ban; South Korean Defense Minister Yoon; U.S. Ambassador to China Clark Randt Jr.; Mr. Zhang Enzhu, Head of Foreign Affairs Committee National People’s Congress; Chinese Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan; National People’s Congress President Wu Bangguo; and Foreign Minister Li.

While meeting with diplomats in China and South Korea, Larsen will also raise issues important to Washington state such as lifting excessive tariffs on Washington state potatoes; purchasing Boeing commercial aircraft; and reopening markets to U.S. beef in the wake of last year’s mad cow scare.  

“China and Korea represent prime markets for Washington state goods, but current trade barriers pose challenges. I look forward to advocating on behalf of our state’s businesses and producers, so that our state can take full advantage of these growing markets,” Larsen said.

For security reasons, details of the ten-day trip cannot be released at this time. Two press availabilities will take place, one while in China and one in South Korea. Members will also have limited access to phones.  Reporters interested in setting up interviews with the Congressman during or after his trip should contact Abbey Blake at the above listed numbers.

Larsen represents the 2nd Congressional District of Washington state. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee. 


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