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  For Immediate Release Contact: Abbey Blake  
  March 17, 2005 202-225-2605  
Larsen Supports Fiscally Responsible Budget

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) today voted against the Republican budget (H.Con.Res. 95 - Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY06). The resolution passed by a narrow victory (218 - 214). Unlike the Republican budget, the Democratic budget that Larsen supported would have achieved balance within seven years and balanced fiscal responsibility with the responsibility to maintain services in areas such as education, veterans’ health care and affordable housing.

Larsen released the following statement on his vote:
“The federal budget lays out the financial blueprint of our nation’s beliefs and values.  Any budget that fails to meet the needs of hungry children goes against our values.

“Washington state currently has the tenth highest hunger rate in the nation. No child in Washington or any other state should go to bed hungry, or to go to school without the food they’ll need for a productive day of learning. 

“Congress should pass a budget that strengthens food programs for families and schools and provides adequate nutrition for our children.

“Furthermore, I do not believe a budget that cuts funding for affordable family housing and community development programs reflects our American values. 

“Community Development Block Grant funds provide a wide range of needed services.  In the 2nd Congressional District, those funds have helped provide affordable housing and services for victims of domestic violence, community college students, and our children.

“We should be bolstering such programs, not slashing them.

“It is not fiscally or morally responsible to leave those same children to pay the tab for record deficits that this administration will leave in its wake.

“That is why I supported an alternative budget that took care of children and our communities and did so with a balanced budget approach.

“I will keep fighting for a morally and fiscally responsible budget that better represents our values.”


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