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  For Immediate Release Contact: Kimberly Johnston  
  September 7, 2006 202-225-2605  
Larsen Introduces Transportation Legislation to Assist Rural Veterans

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) introduced transportation legislation for rural Veterans today in the U.S. House of Representatives.  The Rural Veterans Transportation Act (H.R. 6035) would raise the mileage reimbursement that Veterans receive when traveling in their own vehicle to VA Health Care facilities.  In addition, the legislation would create a $5 million competitive transportation grants program for rural Veterans Service Organizations. 

“Working on Veterans health care issues is one of the most important responsibilities I have as a member of Congress.  The Rural Veterans Transportation Act will provide much needed assistance to Veterans who are forced to travel long distances for health care services from VA facilities.”

“I have listened to the concerns of the Veterans in my district, and they are frustrated with the time and resources that it takes to travel to the Seattle VA medical facility – the nearest facility to provide most veterans with basic outpatient health care.”

“The 2nd Congressional District is home to over 75,000 veterans, many of which are traveling up to 100 miles to receive medical, dental and mental health treatment from VA facilities.  Right now, Veterans that use their own vehicles to travel to and from scheduled appointments at VA Health Care facilities are reimbursed $.11 cents per mile.  This reimbursement rate is inadequate, particularly as we face soaring gas prices.  The Rural Veterans Transportation Act would raise the mileage reimbursement rate that all Veterans receive to match the rate that federal employees receive.”

“This legislation would also create an annual competitive transportation grants program for rural Veterans Service Organizations.  The Veterans in my district that live in rural and remote areas, particularly those without access to privately owned vehicles, are limited in their ability to travel to a VA health care facility. While Veterans Service Organizations such as the Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network are working hard to assist these individuals, demand is great. 

“A competitive transportation grants program would bring needed attention and resources to the issues facing rural Veterans.  This program will encourage new and creative transportation solutions that will help Veterans who live in remote locations receive the health care they deserve. 

Congressman Larsen represents Washington state’s 2nd Congressional District. 



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