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  For Immediate Release Contact: Kimberly Johnston  
  May 19, 2006 202-225-2605  
Larsen Announces Millions for 2nd District
Military Bases in House Appropriation Bill

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) announced today that he helped secure $83 million in federal funds for Naval Station Everett and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island from the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill (H.R. 5385). 

The bill appropriates a total of $136.1 billion in fiscal year 2007 for various programs affecting veterans and the quality of military life – including military construction, housing and health programs.  Of this, $32.7 billion was provided for veterans’ health programs, which is 11 percent above the 2006 level. 

“Congress must honor and provide for the needs of our nation’s veterans,” Larsen said.  “This bill improves overall funding for veterans and successfully strips fees that the administration tried to impose on veterans and military retirees’ health benefits.  This is a great first step, but we absolutely must do more.” he concluded. 

Larsen worked to secure $83 million in funding for the following military construction projects at Naval Station Everett and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in the bill:

$9.6 Million for an Indoor Aircraft Washrack for NAS Whidbey Island
Three hundred ninety-one aircraft are washed at NAS Whidbey each year.  Building an indoor washrack at NAS Whidbey will improve corrosion control, the material condition of the aircraft, and the health and retention of sailors who often wash the planes in the rain, wind and low temperatures.

$26.5 Million for Hangar 5 Recapitalization at NAS Whidbey
The Electronic Attack Wing at NAS Whidbey Island requires adequate hangar facilities for the Navy’s EA-6B Electronic Attack community.  The existing structure is 50 years old and has a roof that is in danger of collapsing in the case of an earthquake.  This project that will be funded over two years will replace the old hanger with one that will be reliable for years to come.

“This funding is another clear sign of the extraordinary military value of NAS Whidbey and the importance of its role as a central hub for our Armed Forces electronic warfare mission,” said Larsen.

$26 Million for Consolidated Fuel Capacity at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island
This project will consolidate jet fuel storage facilities at NAS Whidbey from four isolated locations to one facility closer to the flight line.  Five aboveground steel tanks will replace 16 underground tanks that are over 50 years old.  This will improve operational efficiency and significantly decrease the environmental risk of a fuel leak.

$20.9 Million for Bachelor Enlisted Quarter Homeport Ashore at Naval Station Everett
NS Everett is the Homeport for the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier.  This project will provide an on shore home to 818 personnel as part of the Navy’s Homeport Ashore Program.  Each module will contain two-room private sleeping and living areas for up to four people.

“Naval Station Everett and the surrounding community are proud to provide an exceptional quality of life to our sailors and their families,” Larsen said.  “This project will enhance that quality of life by giving our Carrier sailors a place to call home when they come ashore.”

The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill unanimously passed the House of Representatives.  The House and Senate must agree on a final version of the bill before the president can sign it into law.



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