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National Violent Death Reporting System Coding Manual

The NVDRS Coding Manual is a reference document to be used by state health departments for defining cases, entering data, and checking data once it is entered. It contains information about individual variables and the way the data are structured. The Coding Manual is intended to be used in conjunction with the materials provided at the coding training and the NVDRS Software Manual. Other material related to setting up a state violent death reporting system can be found in the NVDRS Implementation Manual.

Download the PDFs

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Full Manual (1 MB, includes all sections listed below)

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Introduction, Definitions, Entering a Case, and Data Elements

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Incident Variables

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Documents 

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Person's Identity 

adobe acrobat reader symbol

  Death Certificate Main Elements

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Coroner/Medical Examiner Main Elements

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Suicide Circumstance Elements

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Homicide Circumstance Elements

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Unintentional Circumstances

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Police Report Main Elements and Circumstances

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Supplementary Homicide Report

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Hospital

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Person-Child Fatality Review

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Type of Death (Abstractor)

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Victim-Suspect Relationship

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Weapon Type (Abstractor)

adobe acrobat reader symbol  ATF Trace Information

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Weapon

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Person to Weapon Relationship

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Validation Rules

adobe acrobat reader symbol  Index

adobe acrobat reader symbol Manual Cover


PDF Document Icon Please note: Some of these publications are available for download only as *.pdf files. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be viewed. Please review the information on downloading and using Acrobat Reader software.

Content Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Page last modified: August 26, 2006