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logo: Mission Statement

The P&R Information Technology (IT) Directorate serves as the senior advisor in the area of information technology and business process automation for the P&R headquarters staff.

The P&R IT Directorate, oversee the OUSD (P&R) information technology support staff in developing, implementing, and maintaining all aspects of P&R’s headquarters information technology processes and policies consistent with guidelines and procedures stated by the Joint Task Force Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO), the Department of Defense Chief Information Office (DOD-CIO) and the Office Of the Secretary of Defense Chief Information Office (OSD-CIO). The P&R IT Directorate also provide business solutions by focusing on a set of core IT activities across P&R headquarters.

P&R IT Director
Mr. Correy Thomas has been the Director, Information Technology for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness since 2005.