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Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) Training Network
DASH Training Network (D-Train) FAQs

What is the D-Train?

CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) has created the DASH Training Network, or “D-Train,” a national cadre of master trainers to provide workshops on how to use DASH school health tools. These workshops are designed to help those who work in and with schools improve school health policies, programs, and curricula.

In 2007, DASH began by offering workshops on the Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT). Thirty PECAT workshops were delivered in 2007 by the cadre of PECAT trainers. In 2008, PECAT workshops were continued, and the D-Train created an additional cadre of trainers for the School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide (SHI). The SHI training cadre is conducting approximately 25 SHI workshops in 2008.

DASH has now further expanded the D-Train to also create a cadre to offer workshops on the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT). In 2009, workshops on the SHI, PECAT, and HECAT are all being offered.

What is the PECAT?

The Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) is a tool for analyzing written physical education curricula to determine how closely they align with national standards for high-quality physical education. For more information, visit the PECAT Web site.

What is the SHI?

The School Health Index (SHI) is a self-assessment and planning guide that enables schools to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their school health promotion policies and programs and to develop an action plan for improving student health. For more information, visit the SHI Web site.

What is the HECAT?

The Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) helps districts and schools conduct a clear, complete, and consistent analysis of health education curricula based on the National Health Education Standards and CDC’s Characteristics of Effective Health Education Curricula. For more information, visit the HECAT Web site.

What does “free workshop” mean?

Each trainer is conducting approximately three free workshops per calendar year. A free workshop is one in which the CDC pays for the trainer’s travel expenses (including air/car, hotel, per diem) and an honorarium for his/her time and expertise. Site coordinators are responsible for funding and securing other workshop logistics, including the facility, materials, and refreshments.

Who is eligible to receive a free workshop?

PECAT and HECAT workshops may be hosted by regional organizations (e.g., district AAHPERD), state agencies (e.g., state Department of Education), or local agencies (e.g., local Department of Education). SHI workshops can only be hosted by a regional organization or a state agency, unless special approval is granted. At this time, free workshops will not be offered to individual schools.

Eligible Organizations for Workshops





Regional organization




State agency




Local agency





Who should come to a workshop?

Anyone who works on school health issues—this might include school administrators, health educators, physical educators, curriculum specialists, government agency staff, university professionals, community volunteers, and others who work with schools. Because these tools are meant to be implemented in teams, groups from individual schools or districts are encouraged to come to the workshop to increase buy-in when they return to their schools/districts and are ready to implement the tool.

How many people should attend a workshop?

The number of participants in a workshop usually ranges from 10 to 75 people. The average number is about 30.

How long should a workshop be?

Workshops should be a minimum of about 4 hours in length to ensure in-depth training. SHI workshops may be up to 8 hours in length. PECAT and HECAT workshops can be up to two days in length if the participants are coming in school or district teams and bringing their existing health or physical education curriculum.

Possible Lengths of Workshops





4 hours




8 hours




2 days




How do I decide how long my workshop should be?

The length of the workshop should be determined based on the audience, setting, and content desired. Obviously, the more time available, the more comprehensive of a workshop can be provided.

In shorter workshops (i.e., 4 hours), participants will have the opportunity to get an overview of the tool, learn about the various components included in the tool, and simulate implementing the tool in small group activities.

In longer workshops with the appropriate audience, actual implementation of the tool may occur. For example, in a 4-hour PECAT workshop hosted by a state agency, participants would learn about the tool and gain a greater understanding of the analyses included in the PECAT; whereas in a 2-day PECAT workshop with district teams present, the participants could actually begin the process of using the PECAT to analyze their own physical education curriculum during the workshop. However, please note that a full curriculum analysis will not occur in a 2-day HECAT or PECAT workshop. It is the responsibility of the site coordinator and the participants to continue the work that began at the workshop.

Examples of the content that might be presented in a SHI workshop can be found in the SHI Training Manual section of the Healthy Youth Web site. Examples of the content that might be presented in various lengths of a PECAT workshop can be found in the PECAT Presentation Slides and User Guides section of this Web site.

Where and when will workshops be conducted?

Most workshops will be held as part of a professional development meeting hosted by a state agency or in conjunction with a state or regional conference. Workshops should fall between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009.

How can I request a workshop?

Access to the CDC-supported workshops is first come, first serve. You are encouraged to schedule your workshop soon. Please complete a SHI Workshop Request Form [Word doc 62KB], a a PECAT Workshop Request Form  [Word doc 69KB], or HECAT Workshop Request Form [Word doc 63KB] and e-mail it to All items on the Workshop Request Form do not need to be finalized at this time. Submitting a completed form does not guarantee a workshop; please wait for CDC approval before confirming your workshop. If your workshop request is accepted, you will be provided with the contact information of a trainer to begin coordinating workshop logistics.

What are site coordinators responsible for?

Site coordinators are responsible for funding and securing workshop logistics, including the facility, materials, and refreshments. The CDC will provide a bulk order of SHI, PECAT, or HECAT materials mailed to the site, free of charge. However, additional materials (e.g., binders, flip charts, markers, pens, paper) are the responsibility of the site.

Site coordinators are also responsible for marketing the workshop in their area and handling registration, as appropriate.

If my request for a free workshop is not accepted, may I schedule a workshop for which my site will cover the trainer’s costs?

Yes. Please complete the relevant Workshop Request Form and e-mail it to All items on the Workshop Request Form do not need to be finalized at this time. Based on trainer availability, your workshop may be selected. Submitting a completed form does not guarantee a workshop; please wait for CDC approval before confirming your workshop. If your workshop request is accepted, you will be provided with the contact information of a trainer to begin coordinating workshop logistics.

How was the training cadre developed?

Qualified individuals were invited to submit an application, essays, resume, and references to be a trainer. The application materials assessed education, experience, and expertise in both school health content and adult learning. Applications were reviewed and scored, and trainers were selected based on a standardized set of criteria. After identifying qualified and experienced trainers, DASH staff conduct training-of-trainer (TOT) sessions to equip the trainers with the skills and materials needed to conduct workshops on the implementation of DASH tools.

How many trainers are in the cadre?

Currently, the D-Train includes 10 SHI trainers, 10 PECAT trainers, and 11 HECAT trainers. Trainers are based in cities across the country but are not assigned to a specific geographic region. Workshops are assigned to trainers based on availability.

Is this initiative being evaluated?

Four methods are being used to evaluate the workshops:

  1. Workshop Participant Evaluations – All workshop participants are asked to complete an evaluation immediately following their workshop. These evaluations are collected by the trainer and sent to the CDC for data entry and analys.
  2. Workshop Summaries – Trainers are required to complete a summary immediately following the workshop.
  3. Workshop Participant Follow-up Surveys – Approximately 4-6 months after the workshops, participants are sent a link to an online follow-up survey to assess their progress in implementing the tool.
  4. CDC Staff Site Visit Reports – A select number of workshops are observed by CDC staff to assess trainer delivery of content. CDC staff complete a report to summarize their observations.

What are participants saying about these workshops?

Evaluation results from workshop participants in 2007 and 2008 indicate increased knowledge and skills about the use of the PECAT and the SHI. In addition, the majority of participants agreed that the overall quality of the workshop was good. A large majority of respondents felt their trainer was knowledgeable, organized, flexible, and informative. Selected comments from participants include the following:

  • “[The trainer] was very personable and knowledgeable. This has been one of the best Phys.Ed. professional developments that I've attended and the information [was] practical and necessary. “
  • “Presenter was very personable and open to questions. She gave examples and related personal experiences to make a point or clarify.”
  • “The workshop was very helpful to us in recognizing some of our strengths and weaknesses and gave us the opportunity to brainstorm ideas how to improve.”
  • “Having [the trainer] present the material—he is a true leader for our profession, and he made the day valuable.”
  • “The workshop was very informative and useful. The information is very practical, and the content was interesting.”

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

To request additional information on the DASH Training Network, you may contact D-Train at

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Page last reviewed: September 30, 2008
Page last reviewed: September 30, 2008
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Department of Health Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adolescent and School Health