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For unweathered samples, washes K, F, and D performed the best in adhesion testing. This means that washes K, F, and D bound most tightly to the wood prior to weathering. Upon abrasion testing, unweathered samples of washes A, B, and C performed the best. This means that they formed a harder coating that was more cohesive.

After artificial weathering, each wash was visually evaluated and we found that washes D, H, and K performed the best, although all of the washes performed very well. Also, we found that washes I, H, and F were the best performers in the adhesion tests after weathering. Washes B, E, and A performed the best in abrasion tests on the weathered limewashed samples, although wash B performed twice as well as washes A and E.

For the modern brick samples we found that wash B performed the best overall of all the washes. Wash B is Graymont's Niagara lime putty, salt, alum, unsulphured molasses, laundry bluing, and water. It performed well on the adhesion, abrasion, artificial weathering, and abrasion test after artificial weathering. In the abrasion test on the samples that were not artificially weathered it performed better than all but wash A. On the adhesion test after weathering it performed poorly.

We found the second best performing limewash on modern brick to be Wash D. Wash D performed well on the adhesion test and the artificial weathering. It performed poorly on the abrasion test before and after weathering and the adhesion test after weathering.

The third best performing limewashes on the modern brick were washes A and K that performed equally well. Wash A performed the best on the abrasion test requiring three times as many liters of sand as the test's second best performer wash B. Wash A performed poorly on the adhesion test before weathering and the adhesion and abrasion tests after weathering. In the artificial weathering wash K ranked third from last, but all of the washes performed well and the differences were very slight. Wash K performed well in the adhesion and artificial weathering test, but poorly in the adhesion and abrasion test after weathering. On the abrasion test it performed in the middle of the group.

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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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